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Friday 1 July 2011

3 Pairs of Knickers and A Tea Bag.

So I wandered into the kitchen and found a saucepan sitting on the draining board next to the sink. Looked into it and couldn't quite make out what was in it. It was cold though. So I asked the wife and daughter what it was.

It was at this point that my lifelong belief that I will never understand women was, once again, reinforced.

The answer I received was 3 pairs of knickers and a tea-bag. This information was imparted to me as if it was the most logical thing in the world. Being no more than a daft male, I asked what it was for.

"It is for the show" I was told. (My daughter is appearing in the Lisa Jay Institute Stage Show "Cirque De Class" at the Embassy Centre on the 6th,7th and 8th of July.)

"Ah right" said I, completely none the wiser. My wife then took pity on my ignorance and completed the explanation.

"She needs 3 pairs of skin coloured pants to wear under her costume for the show" she said. "So I have bought her a new pack of white pants and we are now dying them skin coloured using a tea bag".

"Ah right" I said again. I then headed for the fridge to extract a cold beer. At times like these, it is the only outlet.

The female of the species lives in a whole different world!!!!!

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