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Monday 20 April 2015

Nationalists Hard Done By?

We are hearing an awful lot from the Nationalist Parties for Scotland and Wales. Both appear to be trying to convince us that they are very hard done by and need a "fairer deal". They would have us believe that they are being seen off by the Westminster government when it come to funding.

The below is taken from a Parliamentary Briefing Paper that gives the latest figure for spending per head of population in the 4 countries of the Union.

In 2013/14, public spending per head in the UK as a whole was £8,936. In England, it was £8,678 (3% below the UK average). This compares with:
 Scotland: £10,275 (15% above the UK average)
 Wales: £9,924 (11% above the UK average)
 Northern Ireland £10,961 (23% above the UK average).

As can be seen the figures show that the English are the ones that are hard done by. The only country to fall below the average as a whole and the lowest funded country altogether.

Don't let the whinging of the Nationalist Parties make you believe that they are some how done down. The very opposite is the truth. 

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