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Tuesday 18 January 2011

Definitely Not A Labour Of Love!!!

Those of you who read my previous posts on my original blog site will know that I am always banging on about Skegness Town Councillors having the ability and the desire to liaise with each other across the local authorities, i.e. East Lindsey District Council and Lincolnshire County Council. It is extremely important that this liaison is carried out for the good of Skegness as a whole.

I have long accused the Labour Councillors (some very much more than others) on Skegness Town Council of not wishing to do this for their own political ends and have said that this attitude does absolutely nothing to enhance the town or it's residents. Indeed, in my view, having such an insular outlook actually damages the prospects of the town and it's residents.

Last night proved my point. Let me explain.

Last night was the scheduled meeting of the Skegness Area Committee. This is a meeting which brings together councillors from our three local councils to hear of and discuss the important happenings that are directly affecting our area. This is an opportunity to exchange ideas based upon the agenda items and to hear what others think. A meeting of the minds and of opinions. To have your say and to help influence the policies of the future relating to our area. Very unfortunately, the local Labour councillors representing Skegness wards on both Skegness Town Council and also East Lindsey District Council were conspicuous by their absence. It is reliably reported to me that not one of them managed to attend. NONE. The Labour Party has the largest contingent of any one party on Skegness Town Council and none of them turned up last night. Now it is very much accepted that, on occassion, councillors cannot make it to meetings and committees, but for none of them to turn up is very much beyond the pale.

Perhaps the construction of an enormous eye-sore building on our beautiful coast relating to the wind turbines was not of interest to any of them? Perhaps there was not any real need for them, nor a desire, to receive a presentation regarding the local Youth Council, perhaps nothing else on the agenda tickled their fancy?

I am sure if they do need to find out what went on they can always ask any of their Conservative councillor colleagues from all three local authorities who did manage to attend. They will, I am sure, be more than happy to liaise with them to bring them up to speed. Working together for the good of the town does not appear to be a problem to them.

1 comment:

  1. An independent minded view! And that of a former Labour member who left the party three years ago, I am sure you will not hold that against me, as I do not hold you political views against you, it’s about respecting each other views and agreeing to disagree and then moving on.

    While I am not going to defend any councillors, however it’s never black or white, or as simple as you make it sound, and I make the point, it’s an Area committee meeting, not just a meeting of councillors, other organisations and local groups plus all the members of general public are invited to attend and while it’s not a requirement for councillors to attend, I agree with the point about councillors.

    This is a chance to attend a meeting which brings together councillors from three local councils to hear of and discuss the important happenings that are directly affecting our area. This is an opportunity to exchange ideas based upon the agenda items and to hear what others think.
    “A meeting of the minds and of opinions”

    However are you also saying everyone who does not attend show no commitment to Skegness and the surrounding area. If that’s the case did every member of your party attend including the district leader and county leader, if they did attend well done, if not, the same applies to them , does it not?

    And if you do not mind, I will answer for myself.

    As for the reason I did not attend , and have not done so for a while is quite simple, I was at a meeting with a community group, until around 10pm last night, ward commitment, at their request, and do so most Monday nights with other group around the town, which means I cannot be in two places at once. Are they not entitled to my time as this meeting?

    In fact I will be out every evening this week, as I was last week, my choice, over the years I could say the same of all political groups for not attending meetings of this committee, I used to attend before other commitments came first, perhaps if I did attend, other projects in Skegness might not have been built or delivered, it’s a judgement we have to make.

    While I am only one member, so please do not pre-judge other councillor’s commitment to our town. I do not judge them.
    Again I agree the agenda has very good reasons to attend, my working life is working with youth groups, helping with training and supporting them even giving up an evening and Sundays for a youth football team again my choice. So I fully understand their needs and work to help them grow, look at X-site in Skegness. Do I need to list them, I am sure other councillors could do the same; I am just trying to explain there are two sides to every storey.
    Why not ask them why they did not attend, not attack them, surly we are “all in it together” strange this only applies when it sounds good.

    I do respect your views; however I never like this type of debate, leaves no one with any credit.
    With the greatest respects to you Steve and I look forward to working with everyone who looks to help Skegness and its residents, from all political groups.
    Cllr Gary Ellis
