Well that is almost it. Another year gone. What a year it has been for many reasons. All in all I have enjoyed 2011 on a personal basis and I am looking forward to 2012.
I have enjoyed putting together this blog although I have not posted as many articles as I would have liked to have done. Some may say that is a good thing!! I do intend to be more productive in the coming year, so be warned!
I would like to say thank you to those of you that have taken the time to read my scribblings and I hope that you have gained some enjoyment and some interest from them. I would be posting my thoughts etc. whether or not anybody was reading them but the thousands of hits that this has produced is very, very gratifying indeed.
I wish all of you, whether a regular reader or not, the very best for 2012 and I will, hopefully, see you in the New Year.
Search This Blog
Saturday, 31 December 2011
Wednesday, 28 December 2011
Done With Running - Well Running Has Done With Me!
After 8 months or so of trying to get back to running I reckon that it is a no-go! Right knee just does not seem to want to know anymore. Doesn't appear to be too much wrong with it, well not more than normal anyway, no swelling, just had enough I guess. Very painful if I try to run on it for any length of time. Looks like the end of an era. Not going down the surgery route as I have had enough of that for sure!
In the past I have run as much as 90 miles a week when in full flight and now I can't run 2 miles at a time. Running has always been my preferred fitness regime, as I find nearly all other exercise very boring. So what now? I can't go on as I am as my weight has reached over 15 and a half stone. Hate the thought of actually going on a diet as I have never had to do that before, other than a see-food diet, being able to see food and eat it!
Got to so something; but what?
Looks like it is going to be a whole load of gym work. Don't like the thought but that looks like the only option to me. Don't mind swimming but that doesn't appear to do my knee a whole lot of good either. That may be down to swimming when I have already tried the running, so I will give that another go as well.
What about the cricket? Will I manage that next season? Reckon the batting will be okay but as for the bowling, who knows? Is that enough to allow me to be selected? Only time will tell I guess.
As I say, I have to do something to get some fitness back if only for the good of my health. Not looking forward to the options left to me though!!! Cest La Vie.
In the past I have run as much as 90 miles a week when in full flight and now I can't run 2 miles at a time. Running has always been my preferred fitness regime, as I find nearly all other exercise very boring. So what now? I can't go on as I am as my weight has reached over 15 and a half stone. Hate the thought of actually going on a diet as I have never had to do that before, other than a see-food diet, being able to see food and eat it!
Got to so something; but what?
Looks like it is going to be a whole load of gym work. Don't like the thought but that looks like the only option to me. Don't mind swimming but that doesn't appear to do my knee a whole lot of good either. That may be down to swimming when I have already tried the running, so I will give that another go as well.
What about the cricket? Will I manage that next season? Reckon the batting will be okay but as for the bowling, who knows? Is that enough to allow me to be selected? Only time will tell I guess.
As I say, I have to do something to get some fitness back if only for the good of my health. Not looking forward to the options left to me though!!! Cest La Vie.
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
Natural Justice?
Is there such a thing do you think? I really hope there is. I am sure that many of us know of people who have got away with acts that should have been punished by the authorities, the sort of person where we just shrug our shoulders and say "They always get away with it", and we know deep down that they probably will!
Whilst walking up on the sea-front the other day, I met a guy, bit of a strange old cove if I am to be honest. Got talking about this and many other subjects with him and although he was a bit strange, as I have already said, he was adamant that when it came to natural justice it did exist. He said it just needed activating by the will-power of those people who had suffered due to the actions of others. All we need to do is to will those people to be brought to justice by nature and it would happen. We might never know that it has but it will have done.
Not sure I believe it myself and I don't feel that I am vindictive by nature but, having said that, I am going to give it a try. I will be very keen to see what happens!!!
Know someone you want to see brought to natural justice? Give it a go eh, what have you got to lose?
Whilst walking up on the sea-front the other day, I met a guy, bit of a strange old cove if I am to be honest. Got talking about this and many other subjects with him and although he was a bit strange, as I have already said, he was adamant that when it came to natural justice it did exist. He said it just needed activating by the will-power of those people who had suffered due to the actions of others. All we need to do is to will those people to be brought to justice by nature and it would happen. We might never know that it has but it will have done.
Not sure I believe it myself and I don't feel that I am vindictive by nature but, having said that, I am going to give it a try. I will be very keen to see what happens!!!
Know someone you want to see brought to natural justice? Give it a go eh, what have you got to lose?
Sunday, 18 December 2011
This Is Mine - What's Yours
Presenting on local community radio station Lindsey Coast Radio at this time of the year, brings one into contact with numerous examples of Christmas music. Now as a rule I am no fan of most of it but there are one or two tracks that I do like. Now that I think about it, perhaps my choices would be a little off-beat. Of all the Christmas music that there is my favourite two would have to be Jona Lewie Stop The Cavalry and David Bowie with Bing Crosby singing Peace On Earth/The Little Drummer Boy.
Of those two, if I had to choose, I would have to go for the latter. Something wonderful about those two musical icons, so very different in their styles and their music, singing together, that it just works wonderfully well.
So that is my choice. As I say a bit strange and not to everyones taste. What's yours?
Of those two, if I had to choose, I would have to go for the latter. Something wonderful about those two musical icons, so very different in their styles and their music, singing together, that it just works wonderfully well.
So that is my choice. As I say a bit strange and not to everyones taste. What's yours?
13 Hour Day!!
Set off yesterday at 9 a.m. Got back home just before 10 p.m. Drove approximately 450 miles during the day. Hold-ups on the motorway, other drivers doing their best to kill us. What was that all about? Simply football.
My team Lincoln City were playing Forest Green Rovers in the non-league Blue Square Premier yesterday. FGR are located in Nailsworth in south Gloucestershire. Several pick-ups of fellow nutcases in Lincoln and then off we go.
Am I mad? Am I barking? Is there nothing better I could do with my time? The answer to those questions is probably yes to all 3.
Did I enjoy it? Yes.
Was it worth it? Oh so definitely!
3 points and a 2 goals to nil win. What better way could there be to spend a Saturday?
Okay don't answer that!!!
My team Lincoln City were playing Forest Green Rovers in the non-league Blue Square Premier yesterday. FGR are located in Nailsworth in south Gloucestershire. Several pick-ups of fellow nutcases in Lincoln and then off we go.
Am I mad? Am I barking? Is there nothing better I could do with my time? The answer to those questions is probably yes to all 3.
Did I enjoy it? Yes.
Was it worth it? Oh so definitely!
3 points and a 2 goals to nil win. What better way could there be to spend a Saturday?
Okay don't answer that!!!
Monday, 12 December 2011
Rotten And Despicable
They are just two of the words I have heard used about two crimes that have occurred very recently in our area.
Firstly a charity shop raising money for injured soldiers had money stolen from it and then a car was broken into and a large amount of stock used for raising money for the People's Dispensary For Sick Animals (PDSA) was stolen.
It is bad enough when people resort to thieving in the first place but when that thieving is done against charities then the words above are only two that should be used to describe both the acts and those that carry them out.
If you are offered any cheap Christmas Cards or other merchandise that have the PDSA logo on them, please do contact the police. They are well aware of this crime.
Firstly a charity shop raising money for injured soldiers had money stolen from it and then a car was broken into and a large amount of stock used for raising money for the People's Dispensary For Sick Animals (PDSA) was stolen.
It is bad enough when people resort to thieving in the first place but when that thieving is done against charities then the words above are only two that should be used to describe both the acts and those that carry them out.
If you are offered any cheap Christmas Cards or other merchandise that have the PDSA logo on them, please do contact the police. They are well aware of this crime.
Thursday, 8 December 2011
Tidings and Murder On The Beach
Well just been up to the beach for my daily constitutional. What a difference to the last few days. After all that lovely bright sunshine, today it was blowing a gale fit to bust and the best description of it was beautiful but bleak.
I decided to head south today towards the nature reserve at Gibraltar Point. I have to say that I saw the most amazing spectacle, which I do not understand, and if anybody can shed any light on what I saw I would be most grateful.
There are several large grassy areas, almost like lawns on the way and on one of them I saw a murder of crows about 30 strong and a tidings of magpies about a dozen strong. They were just standing around in two significant and different groups. (A murder and a tidings are the correct names for groups of these birds).
Aha I thought, as these birds are predominantly scavengers there must be some sort of carcass about just there. I sallied forth to go and check it out, expecting these birds to take fright and flight but they didn't. I walked into the space between the two groups and they just sat there watching me. It was like something out of Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds, a film that if you have not seen I would highly recommend. It was a bit unnerving to be honest.
Well I can confirm that there was no carcass anywhere near them and for the life of me I cannot work out either what can have attracted them there or why both types of birds were sitting there next to each other. Perhaps it was the prelude to a bit of gang warfare.
Who knows? I don't. Do you?
I decided to head south today towards the nature reserve at Gibraltar Point. I have to say that I saw the most amazing spectacle, which I do not understand, and if anybody can shed any light on what I saw I would be most grateful.
There are several large grassy areas, almost like lawns on the way and on one of them I saw a murder of crows about 30 strong and a tidings of magpies about a dozen strong. They were just standing around in two significant and different groups. (A murder and a tidings are the correct names for groups of these birds).
Aha I thought, as these birds are predominantly scavengers there must be some sort of carcass about just there. I sallied forth to go and check it out, expecting these birds to take fright and flight but they didn't. I walked into the space between the two groups and they just sat there watching me. It was like something out of Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds, a film that if you have not seen I would highly recommend. It was a bit unnerving to be honest.
Well I can confirm that there was no carcass anywhere near them and for the life of me I cannot work out either what can have attracted them there or why both types of birds were sitting there next to each other. Perhaps it was the prelude to a bit of gang warfare.
Who knows? I don't. Do you?
Monday, 5 December 2011
Just Forgot Me Sunnies!
We have had a magnificent spell of weather here on the east coast lately and, luckily, I have been able to make the most of it with some good walks up the coast. Cold but bright and cheerful could sum it all up. Today was exceptional though. The air was so crisp and clean and the cold in the air actually added to rather than detracted from the experience. Fantastically lucky to live here. Like most places Skegness has its problems but on a day like today there is nowhere better in the world.
Only problem I had was that I forgot my sunglasses. The sun glinting of the sea and the inlets and creeks left behind by the recent, magnificent, high-tide made it difficult to see anything when heading south. Oh the problems I have to put up with!!
Only problem I had was that I forgot my sunglasses. The sun glinting of the sea and the inlets and creeks left behind by the recent, magnificent, high-tide made it difficult to see anything when heading south. Oh the problems I have to put up with!!
Friday, 25 November 2011
The Skegnessness of Skegness!!
Some months ago I wrote about a grant of £50,000 from the National Lottery to an institution to find the Hullness of Hull. Not surprisingly this generated a lot of interest and that article remains the most-viewed article on this blog. You can find it at http://steveodare.blogspot.com/2011/01/50000-to-identify-hullness-in-hull.html if you would care to have a read.
Without going to the lengths of asking the National Lottery for a similar figure to carry out my own research, although I could do with the cash, let me pose the question to all you readers. What is the Skegnessness of Skegness. What is it about Skegness that makes it, well, Skegness in your eyes?
Either comment below, on facebook, or send your answers to me on the back of a ten pound note!!!!!
Without going to the lengths of asking the National Lottery for a similar figure to carry out my own research, although I could do with the cash, let me pose the question to all you readers. What is the Skegnessness of Skegness. What is it about Skegness that makes it, well, Skegness in your eyes?
Either comment below, on facebook, or send your answers to me on the back of a ten pound note!!!!!
Thursday, 17 November 2011
Do You Have One? Listen Up!!
You may have heard that the service provided by the BBC Local Radio Network is be reduced in the near future, with less specialist music programmes and much more "area" broadcasting rather than local. For instance here in Lincolnshire, BBC Radio Lincolnshire will be broadcasting more "East Midlands" based programmes during any 24 hour period rather than county specific programmes. This is something that is "not good" to say the least.
What can we do about it? Simple. Tune into your local Community Radio, if you have one locally. These are stations, available over different platforms, internet, FM, AM. DAB etc. that are based in your local communities and which broadcast for them, providing lots of local news, events, sports etc.
Here in the East Lindsey area of Lincolnshire, we have Lindsey Coast Radio which at the moment is only available on the internet and can be accessed at www.lindseycoast.org.uk 24 hours a day. It is planned to widen the availability in the near future by moving to other platforms as well as remaining of the web. The station came into being in February 2011 and is now going from strength to strength. Listener numbers are increasing on a weekly basis with not only local people tuning in but also those people who come to the Lincolnshire Coast for their holidays doing the same and continuing to do so throughout the year, after they have returned home, to enable them to keep in touch with what is happening here!!
At the moment most of the live content happens in the evenings and on Sundays, which is the busiest day. The live content is expanding with Heavy Rock, Grunge, Reggae and Ska, Blues, Country, Folk and general magazine programmes all available. At all other times the station is broadcasting a mix of music to suit all tastes.
With the reduction in service from your "local" BBC radio station soon to become a reality, search out your own local Community Radio station as an alternative. You will be pleasantly surprised I am sure. All are run by vounteers and deserve your support.
What can we do about it? Simple. Tune into your local Community Radio, if you have one locally. These are stations, available over different platforms, internet, FM, AM. DAB etc. that are based in your local communities and which broadcast for them, providing lots of local news, events, sports etc.
Here in the East Lindsey area of Lincolnshire, we have Lindsey Coast Radio which at the moment is only available on the internet and can be accessed at www.lindseycoast.org.uk 24 hours a day. It is planned to widen the availability in the near future by moving to other platforms as well as remaining of the web. The station came into being in February 2011 and is now going from strength to strength. Listener numbers are increasing on a weekly basis with not only local people tuning in but also those people who come to the Lincolnshire Coast for their holidays doing the same and continuing to do so throughout the year, after they have returned home, to enable them to keep in touch with what is happening here!!
At the moment most of the live content happens in the evenings and on Sundays, which is the busiest day. The live content is expanding with Heavy Rock, Grunge, Reggae and Ska, Blues, Country, Folk and general magazine programmes all available. At all other times the station is broadcasting a mix of music to suit all tastes.
With the reduction in service from your "local" BBC radio station soon to become a reality, search out your own local Community Radio station as an alternative. You will be pleasantly surprised I am sure. All are run by vounteers and deserve your support.
Thursday, 10 November 2011
20 Million Pounds - We Will Have It!!!
Seems as though the good folks of Scunthorpe are up in arms because somebody wants to build a £20 million shopping centre in their area. This will bring around 300 jobs to the area. They are not in favour of it because it may affect their town centre. Fair enough!!
All I would like to say is that if they don't want it, we in East Lindsey would snap the hands off the developers who have this money to invest.
Skegness would be my preferred location but anywhere in our area would be fine with me!!
All I would like to say is that if they don't want it, we in East Lindsey would snap the hands off the developers who have this money to invest.
Skegness would be my preferred location but anywhere in our area would be fine with me!!
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
Bangers And Mash Anyone?
Now it may have slipped your notice but this week is National Sausage Week. This is being fronted by Noddy Holder from Slade (a pop star from the past - for my younger readers).
As we all know the best sausage in the world, bar none, is Lincolnshire Sausage. The best Lincolnshire Sausage is made in the county by proper, real, artisan butchers, of which there are many dotted about.
So if you do nothing else this week, seek out one of our local butchers and treat yourself to the gourmet delights of the Lincolnshire Sausage, made as it should be and tasting as it should do.
Believe me. You will never want to go back to mass produced bangers again!!!
Enjoy, and if you do as I suggest, then drop the name and location of the butcher either on here or on one of the Facebook pages that this will appear on. Support your local butchers and let others know about them as well!
I can smell them cooking now!!! YUM YUM.
As we all know the best sausage in the world, bar none, is Lincolnshire Sausage. The best Lincolnshire Sausage is made in the county by proper, real, artisan butchers, of which there are many dotted about.
So if you do nothing else this week, seek out one of our local butchers and treat yourself to the gourmet delights of the Lincolnshire Sausage, made as it should be and tasting as it should do.
Believe me. You will never want to go back to mass produced bangers again!!!
Enjoy, and if you do as I suggest, then drop the name and location of the butcher either on here or on one of the Facebook pages that this will appear on. Support your local butchers and let others know about them as well!
I can smell them cooking now!!! YUM YUM.
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
Is There Anything More Shameful?
As we move towards Armistice Day and Rememberance Sunday, can there be anything more shameful than people stealing memorials to fallen heroes from the Cenotaphs around this country of ours?
For a huge number of people the names placed on there "in memoriam" are the only thing that families have left of the fallen. No graves, nowhere else to go to pay their respects and remember.
Those involved in the criminal activity of removing metal names and plaques from the Cenotaphs to raise a few bob, whether they are the criminals that steal and sell them, or the criminals that are buying them, should have the book thrown at them and the key thrown away to the cells they should be locked in.
I didn't think that they could get any lower than desecrating our churches by stealing the lead off the roofs but they have proven me wrong.
For a huge number of people the names placed on there "in memoriam" are the only thing that families have left of the fallen. No graves, nowhere else to go to pay their respects and remember.
Those involved in the criminal activity of removing metal names and plaques from the Cenotaphs to raise a few bob, whether they are the criminals that steal and sell them, or the criminals that are buying them, should have the book thrown at them and the key thrown away to the cells they should be locked in.
I didn't think that they could get any lower than desecrating our churches by stealing the lead off the roofs but they have proven me wrong.
For the Fallen |
With proud thanksgiving, a mother for her children, England mourns for her dead across the sea. Flesh of her flesh they were, spirit of her spirit, Fallen in the cause of the free. Solemn the drums thrill: Death august and royal Sings sorrow up into immortal spheres. There is music in the midst of desolation And a glory that shines upon our tears. They went with songs to the battle, they were young, Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow. They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted, They fell with their faces to the foe. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. They mingle not with their laughing comrades again; They sit no more at familiar tables at home; They have no lot in our labour of the day-time; They sleep beyond England's foam. But where our desires are and our hopes profound, Felt as a well-spring that is hidden from sight, To the innermost heart of their own land they are known As the stars are known to the Night; As the stars that shall be bright when we are dust, Moving in marches upon the heavenly plain, As the stars that are starry in the time of our darkness, To the end, to the end, they remain. Read that and weep and be utterly ashamed, those that are desecrating the sacred memorials!!!!! As you can probably see, I feel somewhat strongly on this one. |
Tuesday, 4 October 2011
Coastal Flooding - 1 in 200 Years
As some of you may know I am the Chairman of Skegness Area Committee, which is a liaison committee between East Lindsey District Councils, the local parish councils and those people that live within the boundaries of them. We had a meeting last night in Anderby Village Hall and on the agenda was a presentation from the Environment Agency entitled Flood Risk Plans. Very informative and interesting it was.
The one thing that struck me was the amount of ifs and buts that the whole of the flooding risk seemed to be based upon. Models are run fairly regularly, as I understand it, but there are always many assumptions put into them. Apparently we run the risk of a major flood once in every 200 years.
Given that, how much credence should be placed on the flooding when looking at the development of the coast? Should flooding be one of the first things that is considered when looking at plans, and if so how much weight or credence should be given to the risk.
Of course we need to look at the risk and it is beholden on the authorities to have plans for a major flood, or any other natural or manmade disaster for that matter, but I ask myself "How worried am I that there maybe a flood tomorrow, the day after, next month, next year of sometime in my lifetime". Would I let that colour my judgement about buying a house or a business in Skegness? Do I think that I need to have measures in place just in case? I live a couple of hundred yards from the beach, so should I do that as I must be one of the most vulnerable?
All very confusing really. Should flooding be right up there in my thoughts? Should if be right up there as a probability or a possibility? Should it be the major consideration when looking at development on the coast. All interesting questions. Wonder what you think?
The one thing that struck me was the amount of ifs and buts that the whole of the flooding risk seemed to be based upon. Models are run fairly regularly, as I understand it, but there are always many assumptions put into them. Apparently we run the risk of a major flood once in every 200 years.
Given that, how much credence should be placed on the flooding when looking at the development of the coast? Should flooding be one of the first things that is considered when looking at plans, and if so how much weight or credence should be given to the risk.
Of course we need to look at the risk and it is beholden on the authorities to have plans for a major flood, or any other natural or manmade disaster for that matter, but I ask myself "How worried am I that there maybe a flood tomorrow, the day after, next month, next year of sometime in my lifetime". Would I let that colour my judgement about buying a house or a business in Skegness? Do I think that I need to have measures in place just in case? I live a couple of hundred yards from the beach, so should I do that as I must be one of the most vulnerable?
All very confusing really. Should flooding be right up there in my thoughts? Should if be right up there as a probability or a possibility? Should it be the major consideration when looking at development on the coast. All interesting questions. Wonder what you think?
Friday, 30 September 2011
Lovely Bunch Of Young Folk
I have been up to the Coastal Eco Centre in Skegness (hands up if you know where that is) for a couple of chats with the man in charge, more about that in a future blog. As a result, I spent a couple of hours there yesterday morning when some pupils from Eresby Special School were there. What a great couple of hours it was. The young people were great, really friendly and really keen to get involved with the activities that the Eco Centre provides for them. All of the youngsters have Special Educational Needs and in some cases their impairment is severe. No matter what their problems though, they all mucked in and had a lot of fun whilst also experiencing new learning opportunities.
For me it was a humbling but very rewarding experience. I would like to thank, Sarah, Sammy, Andrew, Dale, Charles, Stephen and Amanda for allowing me to join their group and I hope to see them all again soon.
See more about Eresby School here: http://www.eresbyspecialschool.co.uk/
For me it was a humbling but very rewarding experience. I would like to thank, Sarah, Sammy, Andrew, Dale, Charles, Stephen and Amanda for allowing me to join their group and I hope to see them all again soon.
See more about Eresby School here: http://www.eresbyspecialschool.co.uk/
Friday, 23 September 2011
Countryside - How Much Do We Have?
Lot's of discussions recently about planning policies, new planning laws etc. etc. have concentrated the mind somewhat. I asked myself "What is countryside?"
Now that is a difficult question in it's own right, but then again ask what is REAL countryside and it becomes even more difficult.
Look at the Lincolnshire Wolds. Lovely wide-open spaces but is most of it actually real countryside. How long has it looked like that?
Drive from Skegness to Boston and how much countryside do you actually see?
Difficult to answer without an answer to the question what is real countryside.
Put it simply. Is mile upon mile of fields countryside? Is that real countryside? Or is it actually an industrial landscape with the industry being agriculture?
That makes it an interesting question doesn't it?
Now that is a difficult question in it's own right, but then again ask what is REAL countryside and it becomes even more difficult.
Look at the Lincolnshire Wolds. Lovely wide-open spaces but is most of it actually real countryside. How long has it looked like that?
Drive from Skegness to Boston and how much countryside do you actually see?
Difficult to answer without an answer to the question what is real countryside.
Put it simply. Is mile upon mile of fields countryside? Is that real countryside? Or is it actually an industrial landscape with the industry being agriculture?
That makes it an interesting question doesn't it?
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
One In The Armpit
So there I was digging away on my allotment. Just lifted all my onions and racked them up to dry in my shed. Turning over the onion bed ready for some manure to go on it in a couple of weeks when BANG!
Gee up neddy right in the armpit. Really sharp pain. BANG and another.
What the...............
Ripped off my sweatshirt and then my t-shirt, bare-chested to the world. Away flew a wasp out of my t-shirt. Little bleeder.
How had it managed to find it's way into my sweatshirt and then under my t-shirt and then to sting me not once but twice in the armpit.
Really nasty experience. I can't remember being stung by either a wasp or a bee since I was a little lad. Quite forgotten how painful it can be.
Made me sweat I can tell you. Off home straight away for a couple of smears of Anthisan. Happened about an hour ago and it is still blooming painful. Two huge red marks where the little bugger got me.
Worst thing about it is that I didn't get the chance to squash it to death..........................
Gee up neddy right in the armpit. Really sharp pain. BANG and another.
What the...............
Ripped off my sweatshirt and then my t-shirt, bare-chested to the world. Away flew a wasp out of my t-shirt. Little bleeder.
How had it managed to find it's way into my sweatshirt and then under my t-shirt and then to sting me not once but twice in the armpit.
Really nasty experience. I can't remember being stung by either a wasp or a bee since I was a little lad. Quite forgotten how painful it can be.
Made me sweat I can tell you. Off home straight away for a couple of smears of Anthisan. Happened about an hour ago and it is still blooming painful. Two huge red marks where the little bugger got me.
Worst thing about it is that I didn't get the chance to squash it to death..........................
Monday, 19 September 2011
Love Fish - Love Curry - Read On.
I have had fish curries in several parts of the world, which I love, but have never managed to get one in England. Maybe I have just been unlucky or have not been looking in the right places! Whenever I have queried this I have always been told that there was no call for it.
Imagine my surprise then when I, along with the Mem Sahib and daughter, popped into the Agra Tandoori on Drummond Road, Skegness the other night to find Fish Bhuna on the menu. This was a brand new addition to the menu there.
Described as follows:
Succulent fresh water fish cooked in various spices to create a delicious medium flavour - a must try!
Well I couldn't resist. I have to say it was delicious. The fish, served as small pieces of sliced fillet, which I think is a variety called Pangas, had the texture of trout and therefore held together in nice chunky pieces and the spices were just enough to give the dish some heat without over-powering the flavour of the fish. Lovely.
I will definitely be back for more.
If you have never tried a fish curry before then why not give it a shot.
Imagine my surprise then when I, along with the Mem Sahib and daughter, popped into the Agra Tandoori on Drummond Road, Skegness the other night to find Fish Bhuna on the menu. This was a brand new addition to the menu there.
Described as follows:
Succulent fresh water fish cooked in various spices to create a delicious medium flavour - a must try!
Well I couldn't resist. I have to say it was delicious. The fish, served as small pieces of sliced fillet, which I think is a variety called Pangas, had the texture of trout and therefore held together in nice chunky pieces and the spices were just enough to give the dish some heat without over-powering the flavour of the fish. Lovely.
I will definitely be back for more.
If you have never tried a fish curry before then why not give it a shot.
Sunday, 18 September 2011
Football - The Same At Every Level
Lincoln City have the same problems as Arsenal who appear to have the same problems as Blackburn Rovers. A lack of money and a manager under pressure due to poor results. Amazing really that the same issues can cause the same reaction at the top and bottom of the football pyramid. The only difference really is in the degree. Arsenal and Blackburn really need tens of millions of pounds to improve their situation and Lincoln need about the same as the other two pay their top player a week to improve theirs.
The total reliance nowadays on money is the thing that is going to bring the football world crashing down. Too many clubs spending too much money they haven't got to try and achieve results. Ridiculous amounts of money being spent to buy players who are then paid equally as ridiculous amounts of money in wages. It is unsustainable and will cause the end of football as we know it now.
This might not be a bad thing to be honest. Perhaps then we can move back to an era when football really was "the people's game". To a time when the largest part of a club's income was made up by the man-in-the-street paying to watch the game live in the grounds. To a time when the board and the chairman were not sleighted by large parts of the supporters of the clubs for not putting money into the club because that is the panacea of all ills. To a time when football told the TV what they could and could not do and not the other way round. Never going to happent though, unfortunately.
If that happened then one other thing that I have already touched upon would make more sense. The constant calling by some supporters of clubs for the manager to be sacked. If the clubs were on a more equal footing financially then the performance of the players could be put down to the abilities of the managers. There would be some equity in the standard of the players at differing clubs. Let's face it. If a manager is at a club where the money is not available to go out and buy the best players available at a particular level, then they really are on a hiding to nothing from the off. What can they actually be expected to achieve in an environment where the "haves" will always prosper and the "have-nots" will always bring up the rear? What will changing managers really bring? Probably just a different face to be berated after a few months of poor results. What will that achieve? Not a lot. After all of this time with the game kow-towing to money I would have thought that supporters would have got an understanding of that.
The total reliance nowadays on money is the thing that is going to bring the football world crashing down. Too many clubs spending too much money they haven't got to try and achieve results. Ridiculous amounts of money being spent to buy players who are then paid equally as ridiculous amounts of money in wages. It is unsustainable and will cause the end of football as we know it now.
This might not be a bad thing to be honest. Perhaps then we can move back to an era when football really was "the people's game". To a time when the largest part of a club's income was made up by the man-in-the-street paying to watch the game live in the grounds. To a time when the board and the chairman were not sleighted by large parts of the supporters of the clubs for not putting money into the club because that is the panacea of all ills. To a time when football told the TV what they could and could not do and not the other way round. Never going to happent though, unfortunately.
If that happened then one other thing that I have already touched upon would make more sense. The constant calling by some supporters of clubs for the manager to be sacked. If the clubs were on a more equal footing financially then the performance of the players could be put down to the abilities of the managers. There would be some equity in the standard of the players at differing clubs. Let's face it. If a manager is at a club where the money is not available to go out and buy the best players available at a particular level, then they really are on a hiding to nothing from the off. What can they actually be expected to achieve in an environment where the "haves" will always prosper and the "have-nots" will always bring up the rear? What will changing managers really bring? Probably just a different face to be berated after a few months of poor results. What will that achieve? Not a lot. After all of this time with the game kow-towing to money I would have thought that supporters would have got an understanding of that.
Saturday, 10 September 2011
Skegness Hospital A&E - Not Closing
Over the past few days I have heard the rumour that Skegness A&E is closing. I have heard this from both Skegness residents and also from a councillor colleague. I am not sure how far and wide this rumour has yet circulated and you may not have heard it yet. If you have fear not, if you do in the future, disregard it.
I contacted NHS Lincolnshire regarding this and, after several false starts, finally managed to get to talk to the General Manager of the hospital. She informed me that there were no plans to close the A&E at Skegness but there were going to be changes to the way it was staffed and that they were looking at the increased use of Nurse Practitioners within the department.
In my opinion, Skegness Hospital has not had a "fully functioning" A&E facility for some years but I have been told that the service being provided by the hospital after the staff changes would not be diminished from it's current level.
Encouragingly, I was also told that the hospital is viewed as an asset and that there was scope for the services, other than A&E, to be widened and enhanced.
So good news all round then.
I contacted NHS Lincolnshire regarding this and, after several false starts, finally managed to get to talk to the General Manager of the hospital. She informed me that there were no plans to close the A&E at Skegness but there were going to be changes to the way it was staffed and that they were looking at the increased use of Nurse Practitioners within the department.
In my opinion, Skegness Hospital has not had a "fully functioning" A&E facility for some years but I have been told that the service being provided by the hospital after the staff changes would not be diminished from it's current level.
Encouragingly, I was also told that the hospital is viewed as an asset and that there was scope for the services, other than A&E, to be widened and enhanced.
So good news all round then.
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
Really Good News - VisitEngland
As most of you will be aware our wonderful town of Skegness has been rated 4th in the list of the Most Visited Towns and Cities in England. This is an excellent achievement, surpassing the previous list in which we were rated 6th. This year we were beaten (if that is the correct word) by London, Blackpool and Scarborough, nothing really surprising there, to be honest.
This shows just how strong our visitor base is and the affection that they hold for our town. What is even more gratifying and an excellent pointer to the future are the figures behind the ratings in the list.
Businesses in the town have been saying that this has been a very poor summer. I have no evidence to disprove this statement and they are the ones that know what has happened to their takings. The figures from VisitEngland do show a position of strength when compared to other resorts, so things could have been far worse.
Skegness has seen a fall in visitor numbers of just 2%, not to be viewed with any satisfaction but when you compare this with other resorts, Scarborough down 14%, Great Yarmouth down a massive 22%, Bounemouth down a huge 25% and Brighton an eye-watering 37%, I would suggest we are not doing too badly.
So what do I read into this then? Well, it appears that the people are still coming to Skegness but that they are spending less. This is only to be expected, to a large extent, in the current economic climate that the country has been left with. The important thing though, is that they are still coming. Our visitor numbers remain strong. As the economy improves, then we will be in an excellent position to benefit from it because the people are still here and they will have a bit more money to spend which will benefit us all.
So not only is the headline "Skegness 4th In The Country For Visitor Numbers" excellent news but the underlying strength is also very, very encouraging.
No room for complacency though!! Seek investment, accept investment and improve the town's facilities. Attract more visitors and grow the town's economy with the accompanying increase in jobs.
This shows just how strong our visitor base is and the affection that they hold for our town. What is even more gratifying and an excellent pointer to the future are the figures behind the ratings in the list.
Businesses in the town have been saying that this has been a very poor summer. I have no evidence to disprove this statement and they are the ones that know what has happened to their takings. The figures from VisitEngland do show a position of strength when compared to other resorts, so things could have been far worse.
Skegness has seen a fall in visitor numbers of just 2%, not to be viewed with any satisfaction but when you compare this with other resorts, Scarborough down 14%, Great Yarmouth down a massive 22%, Bounemouth down a huge 25% and Brighton an eye-watering 37%, I would suggest we are not doing too badly.
So what do I read into this then? Well, it appears that the people are still coming to Skegness but that they are spending less. This is only to be expected, to a large extent, in the current economic climate that the country has been left with. The important thing though, is that they are still coming. Our visitor numbers remain strong. As the economy improves, then we will be in an excellent position to benefit from it because the people are still here and they will have a bit more money to spend which will benefit us all.
So not only is the headline "Skegness 4th In The Country For Visitor Numbers" excellent news but the underlying strength is also very, very encouraging.
No room for complacency though!! Seek investment, accept investment and improve the town's facilities. Attract more visitors and grow the town's economy with the accompanying increase in jobs.
Thursday, 1 September 2011
Skegness Leads - Hull Follows
Remember this from the SO Festival?
The Levity II Luminarium. This was an added extra at the superb SO Festival 2011. Well now Hull have got the same thing as the centre-piece for their Freedom Festival.
I wish them all the success in the world with their festival but purely out of pride in my home-town, I would say:
Luminarium - Skegness - Been there; done that; got the T-Shirt.
What inovative things will we come up with next year?
The Levity II Luminarium. This was an added extra at the superb SO Festival 2011. Well now Hull have got the same thing as the centre-piece for their Freedom Festival.
I wish them all the success in the world with their festival but purely out of pride in my home-town, I would say:
Luminarium - Skegness - Been there; done that; got the T-Shirt.
What inovative things will we come up with next year?
Damaging To Skegness?
Is the incident at Bottons Amusement Park damaging to the image of Skegness? Let's look at what actually happened.
For the first time in getting on for 50 years, as far as I am aware, the park suffered a fairly serious mechanical failure on one of it's rides. Thankfully the safety features built into the ride worked properly and so the damage to human health was minimised, although it must have been pretty traumatic to have actually been on the ride when the incident occurred.
The Emergency Services kicked in with their normal professionalism and swung into action within minutes. What would we do without them? They freed those still held into position by the safety features and dealt with the casualties properly. We should all remember the great job that our policemen, firemen and ambulance crews, in fact all of our Emergency services, actually do.
The Health and Safety Executive were notified as they should be and will (or have by now) carry out a full investigation. It is to be hoped that their findings are not detrimental to the Park itself, which I am sure they will not be.
Jimmy Botton (the owner of the park) has stated that the ride that failed would be removed from the park and, due to third hand reports, I believe this has happened or is happening.
So, what do you think? Damaging for Skegness?
I would say no. Accidents happen and can never be eradicated. Whatever the cause of the problem with the ride lessons will have been learned and the procedures in place locally for such an incident have been found to work well. We can be confident in them as can visitors to the town.
There has been lots of national coverage in the press and the media. Is that bad for the town? I don't think so. In the short term, and remember we are coming to the end of our season, a very few people may be put off from visiting, but in the long run the name of Skegness will be in the consciousness of far more people.
All in all then not overly negative.
I wish all of those that were injured a speedy recovery and hope that those others involved and not injured will not suffer lasting problems. These things happen so infrequently that all involved were incredibly unlucky to have been there at that moment in time.
For the first time in getting on for 50 years, as far as I am aware, the park suffered a fairly serious mechanical failure on one of it's rides. Thankfully the safety features built into the ride worked properly and so the damage to human health was minimised, although it must have been pretty traumatic to have actually been on the ride when the incident occurred.
The Emergency Services kicked in with their normal professionalism and swung into action within minutes. What would we do without them? They freed those still held into position by the safety features and dealt with the casualties properly. We should all remember the great job that our policemen, firemen and ambulance crews, in fact all of our Emergency services, actually do.
The Health and Safety Executive were notified as they should be and will (or have by now) carry out a full investigation. It is to be hoped that their findings are not detrimental to the Park itself, which I am sure they will not be.
Jimmy Botton (the owner of the park) has stated that the ride that failed would be removed from the park and, due to third hand reports, I believe this has happened or is happening.
So, what do you think? Damaging for Skegness?
I would say no. Accidents happen and can never be eradicated. Whatever the cause of the problem with the ride lessons will have been learned and the procedures in place locally for such an incident have been found to work well. We can be confident in them as can visitors to the town.
There has been lots of national coverage in the press and the media. Is that bad for the town? I don't think so. In the short term, and remember we are coming to the end of our season, a very few people may be put off from visiting, but in the long run the name of Skegness will be in the consciousness of far more people.
All in all then not overly negative.
I wish all of those that were injured a speedy recovery and hope that those others involved and not injured will not suffer lasting problems. These things happen so infrequently that all involved were incredibly unlucky to have been there at that moment in time.
Monday, 29 August 2011
Tax Unhealthy Foods - A Fat Tax?
So the latest effort by those wishing to see a "Nanny State", is to introduce a tax on "unhealthy foods" because the population is becoming more and more obese. Now how is that going to work?
Is there such a thing as an unhealthy food? Let's take a look at one of our favourites. Fish and chips. Now what is unhealthy there? Are the potatoes unhealthy, or is the fish? What about the peas? No.
What about sugar? Huge calorific content, but does that make it bad for you? No.
What about a burger? Is that unhealthy for you? No.
What is unhealthy is when all or any of the above, and virtually anything else that is consumed is eaten in excess. It is not the food that is unhealthy, it is the fact that some people consume far too much of it.
Are we really going to raise a tax on the local fish and chip shop because it is unhealthy? I love fish and chips but I don't eat them very regularly in exactly the same way that I don't eat a lot of take-away food. Are we really going to go into a bakers and find that bread is taxed at one level but a Chelsea Bun is taxed at a higher level because it is seen as less healthy?
What about the good old English breakfast. Is fried bacon going to be taxed at one level but grilled bacon another? Fried eggs more than poached?
Gee up Neddy. This really is a silly proposal. Food does not make us fat, but the decisions we make to eat more of those foods that can do that rather than those that don't is the problem. Ally that with not taking enough exercise and Bingo, we have a full-house. It is the decision of the individual how fat they are in 99.9% of all cases. The individual makes the decision about what to eat. Unfortunately, those same individuals are making the same decisions regarding their childrens eating also and that is a huge problem. Personal responsibility. There are huge amounts of information out there that tell us what is a healthy diet and what isn't and also tell us of the need to exercise to remain healthy. If people do not wish to take notice of that and act accordingly that is completely down to them. Taxing the food they eat is not the answer.
This idea has been dreamed up by so-called "Academics". Well if that is the limit of their ideas then I would suggest they are not overly "Academic" are they?
Leave this idea well alone!!!!
Is there such a thing as an unhealthy food? Let's take a look at one of our favourites. Fish and chips. Now what is unhealthy there? Are the potatoes unhealthy, or is the fish? What about the peas? No.
What about sugar? Huge calorific content, but does that make it bad for you? No.
What about a burger? Is that unhealthy for you? No.
What is unhealthy is when all or any of the above, and virtually anything else that is consumed is eaten in excess. It is not the food that is unhealthy, it is the fact that some people consume far too much of it.
Are we really going to raise a tax on the local fish and chip shop because it is unhealthy? I love fish and chips but I don't eat them very regularly in exactly the same way that I don't eat a lot of take-away food. Are we really going to go into a bakers and find that bread is taxed at one level but a Chelsea Bun is taxed at a higher level because it is seen as less healthy?
What about the good old English breakfast. Is fried bacon going to be taxed at one level but grilled bacon another? Fried eggs more than poached?
Gee up Neddy. This really is a silly proposal. Food does not make us fat, but the decisions we make to eat more of those foods that can do that rather than those that don't is the problem. Ally that with not taking enough exercise and Bingo, we have a full-house. It is the decision of the individual how fat they are in 99.9% of all cases. The individual makes the decision about what to eat. Unfortunately, those same individuals are making the same decisions regarding their childrens eating also and that is a huge problem. Personal responsibility. There are huge amounts of information out there that tell us what is a healthy diet and what isn't and also tell us of the need to exercise to remain healthy. If people do not wish to take notice of that and act accordingly that is completely down to them. Taxing the food they eat is not the answer.
This idea has been dreamed up by so-called "Academics". Well if that is the limit of their ideas then I would suggest they are not overly "Academic" are they?
Leave this idea well alone!!!!
Sunday, 28 August 2011
Author Commits Heinous Crime - Army Act 1955
Just been tidying up cupboards etc. and throwing away lots of stuff that make up my personal history. One of the things that I have found is a charge sheet relating to the only time I was ever caught doing something wrong during my 23 year service in the Royal Corps of Signals. Here are the details which took place at 13 Signal Regiment, Birgelen, West Germany (BFPO 40):
24925260 LCPl O'DARE SJ
Neglect to the prejudice of good order and military discipline contrary to Section 69 of the Army Act 1955, in that he at Mercury Barracks on (or about) 19 July 1977, lost his MOD Form 90 (ID Card for the uninitiated).
This was dealt with by way of a hearing in front of my Officer Commanding on the 29th July 1977.
The Finding was: GUILTY
I was fined £10.00p.
Oh the shame!!!!!!
I don't know how I managed to come by this document, I must have nicked it when nobody was looking. They didn't catch me for that though, did they? Great times.
24925260 LCPl O'DARE SJ
Neglect to the prejudice of good order and military discipline contrary to Section 69 of the Army Act 1955, in that he at Mercury Barracks on (or about) 19 July 1977, lost his MOD Form 90 (ID Card for the uninitiated).
This was dealt with by way of a hearing in front of my Officer Commanding on the 29th July 1977.
The Finding was: GUILTY
I was fined £10.00p.
Oh the shame!!!!!!
I don't know how I managed to come by this document, I must have nicked it when nobody was looking. They didn't catch me for that though, did they? Great times.
Friday, 26 August 2011
Give It Up For ...........
Just what does that mean? I am going to have a bit of a rant on this. Why do people ask audiences to "Give it up for........."? Give it up!! I thought we gave things up for lent or because they weren't good for us.
"Give it up for" is totally inane in this context. What is wrong with "Please welcome to the stage" etc.? That actually means something. I can actually put up with "Show your love for.....", although it is very post-Princess of Hearts and all that malarky, but "Give it up for" .... no.
Next time you are at a show or somesuch where this is said, boo....... You know it makes sense!!!
"Give it up for" is totally inane in this context. What is wrong with "Please welcome to the stage" etc.? That actually means something. I can actually put up with "Show your love for.....", although it is very post-Princess of Hearts and all that malarky, but "Give it up for" .... no.
Next time you are at a show or somesuch where this is said, boo....... You know it makes sense!!!
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
Olympics - What A Fantastic Day
Last Thursday I attended a Test Event, The London International Basketball Invitational, at the Olympic Park as part of my efforts to become a Gamesmaker volunteer. What a day it was. The Olympic Basketball Arena is a magnificent sight both from the outside and the inside. Going into this 12,000 seat arena was enough to raise the hairs on the back of your neck.
This was the first Test Event to be held in the park, most of which seems to me to still be a building site, although that is not surprising as it is a huge area, and as such the eyes of the whole Olympic organising committee were on the event. Needless to say it went without a hitch as far as I am aware.
The day consisted of an orientation period within the arena, including the front-of-house, the arena itself and the back-of-.house. This was followed by some role specific training and then we took part in several scenarios designed to build personal confidence in the volunteers and also to develop the teamwork necessary for us to do the job. After a lunch-break we watched the game between France and China, which, althought the arena was less than half-full, really brought home the excitement and atmosphere that we will be working within. Brilliant.
All in all a really worthwile experience and one that has made me even more determined to gain selection as a volunteer at the 2102 Olympics. Fingers and everything else crossed that sometime between September and Christmas I will have my place confirmed.
This was the first Test Event to be held in the park, most of which seems to me to still be a building site, although that is not surprising as it is a huge area, and as such the eyes of the whole Olympic organising committee were on the event. Needless to say it went without a hitch as far as I am aware.
The day consisted of an orientation period within the arena, including the front-of-house, the arena itself and the back-of-.house. This was followed by some role specific training and then we took part in several scenarios designed to build personal confidence in the volunteers and also to develop the teamwork necessary for us to do the job. After a lunch-break we watched the game between France and China, which, althought the arena was less than half-full, really brought home the excitement and atmosphere that we will be working within. Brilliant.
All in all a really worthwile experience and one that has made me even more determined to gain selection as a volunteer at the 2102 Olympics. Fingers and everything else crossed that sometime between September and Christmas I will have my place confirmed.
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
Investment In Skegness.
Are we as a town too narrow-minded when it comes to allowing investment?
Are we prepared to let the town change and move forward so as to encourage investment?
Are we open to new ideas?
Is there enough understanding as to what investment is and what those proposing to invest are looking for?
Is there an understanding that no investment is ever going to be perfect and will most probably affect some individuals and interest groups negatively but may be good for the town as a whole?
Is there an understanding that there is very limited opportunity to dictate to those that wish to invest as to what they should invest in?
Do we understand that our requirement priorities may not match those of people wishing to invest?
Do we think that major investment is ever going to happen?
Just a few questions to cogitate on and hopefully get some discussion going.
Are we prepared to let the town change and move forward so as to encourage investment?
Are we open to new ideas?
Is there enough understanding as to what investment is and what those proposing to invest are looking for?
Is there an understanding that no investment is ever going to be perfect and will most probably affect some individuals and interest groups negatively but may be good for the town as a whole?
Is there an understanding that there is very limited opportunity to dictate to those that wish to invest as to what they should invest in?
Do we understand that our requirement priorities may not match those of people wishing to invest?
Do we think that major investment is ever going to happen?
Just a few questions to cogitate on and hopefully get some discussion going.
Olympics - Big Day Nearly Here
Imagine my excitement when I switched on the TV this morning and saw a piece on the International Basketball competition taking place in the Olympic Basketball Arean in the Olympic Park. Why should I be excited? Well on Thursday I will be there taking part. I won't be playing basketball I hasten to add but I will be there as part of the Test Event Team as I am in line for selection as a volunteer.
As some of you will know I have been selected for training as part of the Anti-Doping Team for the Olympics. Thursday will be a huge step along the road for me as I will have the opportunity to do this for real and show what I am capable of. Fingers crossed all goes well and I am successful in my attempts to be selected for the games themselves.
My excitement was heightened further at lunchtime when I received a phone call from Rod Whiting at Radio Lincolnshire. They want to do a piece on me and have me talk about the event live sometime on Friday. I recorded a short piece for them today. Have to say that I dried up at one point. Honestly I did. This will come as a real surprise for those that know me. Hope that doesn't happen when I go live on Friday.
Roll on Thursday. It can't come quickly enough.
As some of you will know I have been selected for training as part of the Anti-Doping Team for the Olympics. Thursday will be a huge step along the road for me as I will have the opportunity to do this for real and show what I am capable of. Fingers crossed all goes well and I am successful in my attempts to be selected for the games themselves.
My excitement was heightened further at lunchtime when I received a phone call from Rod Whiting at Radio Lincolnshire. They want to do a piece on me and have me talk about the event live sometime on Friday. I recorded a short piece for them today. Have to say that I dried up at one point. Honestly I did. This will come as a real surprise for those that know me. Hope that doesn't happen when I go live on Friday.
Roll on Thursday. It can't come quickly enough.
Friday, 29 July 2011
Pilgrim Hospital - Not Good Enough To Train Studen Nurses
Just what is happening to Pilgrim Hospital? It is really, really worrying. There has been criticism from the Care Quality Commission with regard to the care there which is bad enough in itself. Now the Nursing and Midwifery Council have instructed that all student nurses must be withdrawn from the hospital as the teaching is not up to standard.
For pities sake. People in this area rely on Pilgrim Hospital for their care. If the standards in the hospital are not up to teaching student nurses, they cannot be up to the standard for providing care to the sick and injured of this area. This really is a terrible reflection on the hospital.
It is about time somebody got a proper grip on this place before it is closed down and this area is left without proper secondary care. It is bad enough that we have to travel 25 miles to receive proper emergency care without the thought of having to go twice as far to Lincoln instead.
Get a grip NHS Lincolnshire!!!!!
For pities sake. People in this area rely on Pilgrim Hospital for their care. If the standards in the hospital are not up to teaching student nurses, they cannot be up to the standard for providing care to the sick and injured of this area. This really is a terrible reflection on the hospital.
It is about time somebody got a proper grip on this place before it is closed down and this area is left without proper secondary care. It is bad enough that we have to travel 25 miles to receive proper emergency care without the thought of having to go twice as far to Lincoln instead.
Get a grip NHS Lincolnshire!!!!!
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
Angry Gods And An Apology
Weather forecast - light rain by 1.00 pm. Well I looked up at the sky at 11.30 and not a cloud in sight. "Hah" thought I, "They are wrong again" and put my washing out in a somewhat defiant mood.
While I was happily pegging away at the smalls, I realised just how lovely sunny and warm it was in my very sheltered back-garden. "Right", thought I, "Time to get the shorts on and the shirt off and top up the tan. Rain my backside".
So there I was an hour later, toasting gently, with my whites fluttering in the oh-so-gentle breeze ensconced in my Stephen King novel, when a strange distant rumbling came to my ears. I looked around the sky and noticed that to the north the colour was turning a strange yellowy grey. "Someone's going to get a drenching over there" I thought to myself and then carried on Stephen Kinging.
A few minutes later and the temperature suddenly dropped. The rumbling became much more insistent and very much nearer. "Blimey, better get some of this washing in" I thought.
As I desperately dived for the clothes basket and peg bag the rumblings were joined with flashes of lightning. Best get the old garden chair under cover. Did that and just managed to get the washing in when, with an almighty series of bangs and flashes, the heavens opened. The air was filled with huge, fat, cold raindrops and I leapt through the back door. All hell broke loose.
The weather Gods were showing me just how puny my challenge to them really was. How dare I doubt them and sit out in the sunshine? Now came the punishment. They were angry and they were letting me know it.
So here I sit with the rain thundering down on the conservatory roof fit to break in. It is my fault. I was daft enough to challenge the Gods and I got my come-uppance. All of you holiday-makers out there, I owe you a big apology. This storm is my fault. Sorry!!!
While I was happily pegging away at the smalls, I realised just how lovely sunny and warm it was in my very sheltered back-garden. "Right", thought I, "Time to get the shorts on and the shirt off and top up the tan. Rain my backside".
So there I was an hour later, toasting gently, with my whites fluttering in the oh-so-gentle breeze ensconced in my Stephen King novel, when a strange distant rumbling came to my ears. I looked around the sky and noticed that to the north the colour was turning a strange yellowy grey. "Someone's going to get a drenching over there" I thought to myself and then carried on Stephen Kinging.
A few minutes later and the temperature suddenly dropped. The rumbling became much more insistent and very much nearer. "Blimey, better get some of this washing in" I thought.
As I desperately dived for the clothes basket and peg bag the rumblings were joined with flashes of lightning. Best get the old garden chair under cover. Did that and just managed to get the washing in when, with an almighty series of bangs and flashes, the heavens opened. The air was filled with huge, fat, cold raindrops and I leapt through the back door. All hell broke loose.
The weather Gods were showing me just how puny my challenge to them really was. How dare I doubt them and sit out in the sunshine? Now came the punishment. They were angry and they were letting me know it.
So here I sit with the rain thundering down on the conservatory roof fit to break in. It is my fault. I was daft enough to challenge the Gods and I got my come-uppance. All of you holiday-makers out there, I owe you a big apology. This storm is my fault. Sorry!!!
Friday, 15 July 2011
A Really Annoying Irritant
As regular readers of my blatherings will be aware, I often enjoy a morning constitutional. As is my wont, I set off this morning up the beach. As I was meandering and perambulating in a southerly direction towards Gibraltar Point, I suddenly became aware that I was itching all over but particularly on my face. I then discovered the cause of the itching, the means of the irritation: THUNDER FLIES.
Now I really hate these little irritating black, shiny irritants. They "do me bean in" to use the modern vernacular. Apologies to those of you who may belong to the Thunder Fly Appreciation Society and like to celebrate Thunder Fly Day on an annual basis, I am sure there must be some in this wacky world in which we live, but the only good thunder fly is a dead one. They really are the creatures that have nothing of any worth to recommend them.
So there I was, walking along, much more quickly, being violated by these horrendous little insects. I was wiping my face more than that, up until now, disappointing Wee Andy Murray would be doing if he played tennis in a sauna, but still suffering their attentions. The quicker I went, the warmer I got and the more the little blighters irritated me.
Then all of a sudden: blessed relief. They had disappeared as quckly as they had come. A light southerly breeze had sprung up and blown them all away. One more Murrayesque wipe of the face, thank God I had decided to carry my T-Shirt whilst I topped up my tan, and I was, once again, on my way with the ability to enjoy my walk restored. Alls well that ends well.
Now I really hate these little irritating black, shiny irritants. They "do me bean in" to use the modern vernacular. Apologies to those of you who may belong to the Thunder Fly Appreciation Society and like to celebrate Thunder Fly Day on an annual basis, I am sure there must be some in this wacky world in which we live, but the only good thunder fly is a dead one. They really are the creatures that have nothing of any worth to recommend them.
So there I was, walking along, much more quickly, being violated by these horrendous little insects. I was wiping my face more than that, up until now, disappointing Wee Andy Murray would be doing if he played tennis in a sauna, but still suffering their attentions. The quicker I went, the warmer I got and the more the little blighters irritated me.
Then all of a sudden: blessed relief. They had disappeared as quckly as they had come. A light southerly breeze had sprung up and blown them all away. One more Murrayesque wipe of the face, thank God I had decided to carry my T-Shirt whilst I topped up my tan, and I was, once again, on my way with the ability to enjoy my walk restored. Alls well that ends well.
Tuesday, 12 July 2011
Please Sit Down Before You Read This
I got a letter in the post today. Nothing unusual about that you may say. Well it was the most unusual letter I have ever received. In fact unusual is not the word. Incredible describes it far more accurately. In fact it is so incredible that I had to ring the senders to find out if it was genuine or not. To my amazement it was.
Have I won the lottery? No. More incredible than that.
No the letter was from Eon my electricity and gas provider. It is telling me that my monthly payments are GOING DOWN. Yes folks you did read that correctly. My monthly payments are actually going down.
I told you it was incredible and I hope you took my advice to sit down before you read this. Fainting is a lot safer in a sitting position, isn't it??
Have I won the lottery? No. More incredible than that.
No the letter was from Eon my electricity and gas provider. It is telling me that my monthly payments are GOING DOWN. Yes folks you did read that correctly. My monthly payments are actually going down.
I told you it was incredible and I hope you took my advice to sit down before you read this. Fainting is a lot safer in a sitting position, isn't it??
Wednesday, 6 July 2011
Skegness Highways Spending - One Million Pounds
Received some very interesting information regarding the planned spending on the roads in the Skegness area for the present financial year. It totals in the region of £1,000,000 (one million) pounds. This figure has surprised me as it is way above what should have been spent in this area if the number of County Council wards was taken into account.
The details of the spend are:
Planned General Maintenance Re-Surfacing Work
The details of the spend are:
Winter Damage
1) A52 Wainfleet Rd...............................£ 250 k
2) A52 Berry Way to Ship lights..............£ 30 k
3) Sea View Road..................................£ 200 k
Capital Schemes
1) Lincoln Rd (The Meadows) - Pelican Crossing.................£ 90 k
2) Roman Bank, Cycleway................................................£ 60 k
Planned General Maintenance Re-Surfacing Work
1) A52 at Winthorpe...................................................£ 90 k
2) Industrial Est, Victoria / Heath ................................£ 25 k
3) Drummond Road (from Lumley Rd southwards) ........£ 25 k
4) Old Burgh Rd.........................................................£ 10 k
5) Yarborough Crescent..............................................£ 10 k
6) Rutland Road.........................................................£ 10 k
7) Gibson Place.........................................................£ 10 k
8) Badar Way............................................................£ 10 k
Planned Footway Works
1) Burgh Road....................................£ 80 k
2) Kennedy Ave..................................£ 60 k
3) Forsyth Close.................................£ 40 k
I think that it is fair to say that in the Skegness area we are receiving a lions share of the overall County spend. Excellent news!!
Well done to both our County Councillors Mark Smith and Ken Milner for their efforts.
Tuesday, 5 July 2011
Just A Fantastic Walk
Went out this morning up onto the beach and headed towards Gibraltar Point. I have to say that the bit of coast south of the boating compound right up to Gib Point is really an absolute gem. Not talking about the beach which is obviouosly as good as any, no I am talking about walking the path through the overgrown dunes and past the salt-marsh.
There was hardly a soul about, I don't think it was because I had my shirt off to absorb the rays, and the bonus of the lack of human habitation was that the wildlife was out and about.
In an hour I saw, legions of Skylarks, I have never seen so many in that area before, 2 egrets, a lovely young Sparrowhawk sat on one of the posts denoting the edge of the nature reserve, the ubiquitous seagulls, including black-headed gulls, redshank, curlew and a multitude of rabbits. To top it all I then disturbed a weasel that was stalking a small rabbit. You would have to go a long way to see an animal move as quickly as that weasel did!!
The area sout of the boating compound down to Gibraltar Point really is a lovely area.
A couple of weeks ago I bought myself a brand new "bridge" camera, a Fujifilm Finepix. It takes really good photographs but, unfortunately, not when it is sat on my study table. That is what stopped a fantastic walk being a perfect walk.
I will try to improve.
There was hardly a soul about, I don't think it was because I had my shirt off to absorb the rays, and the bonus of the lack of human habitation was that the wildlife was out and about.
In an hour I saw, legions of Skylarks, I have never seen so many in that area before, 2 egrets, a lovely young Sparrowhawk sat on one of the posts denoting the edge of the nature reserve, the ubiquitous seagulls, including black-headed gulls, redshank, curlew and a multitude of rabbits. To top it all I then disturbed a weasel that was stalking a small rabbit. You would have to go a long way to see an animal move as quickly as that weasel did!!
The area sout of the boating compound down to Gibraltar Point really is a lovely area.
A couple of weeks ago I bought myself a brand new "bridge" camera, a Fujifilm Finepix. It takes really good photographs but, unfortunately, not when it is sat on my study table. That is what stopped a fantastic walk being a perfect walk.
I will try to improve.
Saturday, 2 July 2011
Dog Dirt Problem In Skegness
Oh dear. What a subject, but it needs addressing. According to a press release from East Lindsey District Council there is going to be a blitz on dog owners who allow their dogs to mess in the streets, on the beach etc. and do not clean up after them. This is the owners fault and not the dogs!!! People will be fined £75 if caught acting in this irresponsible way and there will be dog patrols working.
It would appear from the press release that the Mablethorpe and Sutton-On-Sea area is going to be targetted initially. From enquiries I have made as a councillor it would appear that this is the case due to the fact that area is a known area of concern.
I have informed the council that Skegness, the seafront in particular, has a huge problem with this fouling and that Skegness should also be a targetted area. What I would urge you all to do is to contact East Lindsey District Council with your information as to where you know we have a bad dog fouling issue and give them the details. You can do this by ringing 01507 601111 or by emailing the dog warden dog.warden@e-lindsey.gov.uk.
There has been much discussion and a fair degree of complaining about this issue locally. This is your chance to get something done about it. Contact the council and let them know how bad the situation is in our town.
It would appear from the press release that the Mablethorpe and Sutton-On-Sea area is going to be targetted initially. From enquiries I have made as a councillor it would appear that this is the case due to the fact that area is a known area of concern.
I have informed the council that Skegness, the seafront in particular, has a huge problem with this fouling and that Skegness should also be a targetted area. What I would urge you all to do is to contact East Lindsey District Council with your information as to where you know we have a bad dog fouling issue and give them the details. You can do this by ringing 01507 601111 or by emailing the dog warden dog.warden@e-lindsey.gov.uk.
There has been much discussion and a fair degree of complaining about this issue locally. This is your chance to get something done about it. Contact the council and let them know how bad the situation is in our town.
Friday, 1 July 2011
3 Pairs of Knickers and A Tea Bag.
So I wandered into the kitchen and found a saucepan sitting on the draining board next to the sink. Looked into it and couldn't quite make out what was in it. It was cold though. So I asked the wife and daughter what it was.
It was at this point that my lifelong belief that I will never understand women was, once again, reinforced.
The answer I received was 3 pairs of knickers and a tea-bag. This information was imparted to me as if it was the most logical thing in the world. Being no more than a daft male, I asked what it was for.
"It is for the show" I was told. (My daughter is appearing in the Lisa Jay Institute Stage Show "Cirque De Class" at the Embassy Centre on the 6th,7th and 8th of July.)
"Ah right" said I, completely none the wiser. My wife then took pity on my ignorance and completed the explanation.
"She needs 3 pairs of skin coloured pants to wear under her costume for the show" she said. "So I have bought her a new pack of white pants and we are now dying them skin coloured using a tea bag".
"Ah right" I said again. I then headed for the fridge to extract a cold beer. At times like these, it is the only outlet.
The female of the species lives in a whole different world!!!!!
It was at this point that my lifelong belief that I will never understand women was, once again, reinforced.
The answer I received was 3 pairs of knickers and a tea-bag. This information was imparted to me as if it was the most logical thing in the world. Being no more than a daft male, I asked what it was for.
"It is for the show" I was told. (My daughter is appearing in the Lisa Jay Institute Stage Show "Cirque De Class" at the Embassy Centre on the 6th,7th and 8th of July.)
"Ah right" said I, completely none the wiser. My wife then took pity on my ignorance and completed the explanation.
"She needs 3 pairs of skin coloured pants to wear under her costume for the show" she said. "So I have bought her a new pack of white pants and we are now dying them skin coloured using a tea bag".
"Ah right" I said again. I then headed for the fridge to extract a cold beer. At times like these, it is the only outlet.
The female of the species lives in a whole different world!!!!!
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
The Olympic Dream Gets Nearer!
As my regular readers will be aware I have applied to be a volunteer at both the Olympics and Paralympics next year and am being considered to be part of the Anti-Doping Team. I have blogged about this previously and if you wish to see how this has progressed or is progressing you might like to take a look at my previous dribblings at:
Back to the present. Things are, rather excitingly, moving on. I have been invited to take part in a Test Event in August that will take place at the Basketball Arena on the Olympic Park itself.
The event itself is the London International Basketball Invitational which is a truly international sporting event with not only the GB Team taking part but the national sides of Australia, China, Croatia, France and Serbia also.
More details of the event can be found here:
To say that I am excited about this prospect would truly be an under-statement. What will I be like if I actually do get selected as a true Olympic volunteer? Doesn't bear thinking about to be honest!
Prior to the event I have to attend some training which will take place at the Hackney Community College in London. Starts at 9.00 am. Looks like a very early start for me travelling from Skegness! The things I do for Queen and country!
I am hoping to learn an awful lot more about how an Anti-Doping team works and to gain experience of working behind the scenes at a large international sporting event as well as proving my mettle to those who will be making the final selection for the volunteering roles.
I will update again once it has all taken place. Wish me luck!!!
Back to the present. Things are, rather excitingly, moving on. I have been invited to take part in a Test Event in August that will take place at the Basketball Arena on the Olympic Park itself.
The event itself is the London International Basketball Invitational which is a truly international sporting event with not only the GB Team taking part but the national sides of Australia, China, Croatia, France and Serbia also.
More details of the event can be found here:
To say that I am excited about this prospect would truly be an under-statement. What will I be like if I actually do get selected as a true Olympic volunteer? Doesn't bear thinking about to be honest!
Prior to the event I have to attend some training which will take place at the Hackney Community College in London. Starts at 9.00 am. Looks like a very early start for me travelling from Skegness! The things I do for Queen and country!
I am hoping to learn an awful lot more about how an Anti-Doping team works and to gain experience of working behind the scenes at a large international sporting event as well as proving my mettle to those who will be making the final selection for the volunteering roles.
I will update again once it has all taken place. Wish me luck!!!
Sunday, 19 June 2011
Why Are England So Poor?
Just what is it about the England footballers that makes them such failures on the international stage? The rolling over of the Under 21 side last night just goes to highlight the point.
These guys, the full squad and the Under 21s are supposed to be playing, or so we are told, in the "best league in the world" i.e. the Premiership. They certainly get enough money to believe that is where they are playing anyway. Does that make them the best players we have in this country? Logic would tell us so. Why then, when they come up against the best players from other countries on the international stage can they not compete? Why can they not win something?
Every now and then we are told that "This is the golden generation" and that this is it, we have a world-beating team. What happens? Instead of having a world-beating team we have a team that is beaten by the world.
It is an awful long time since some of us had the privilege of watching the World Cup in 1966, an awful long time. 45 years to be exact. How many of you do not believe that in 5 years time we will be seeing the 50th anniversary of the last time the England football team actually won something? Not many would be my guess. There is a whole generation that has never seen success on the international stage. How can that be?
I don't know what is wrong with our football, or maybe our footballers, that creates this failure time and time again. I know one thing for sure though and that is there really must be something wrong with it.
It really is about time that the Football Association looked seriously at this issue and did something about it. Ah, but then we look at the F.A. .............. well that is a whole blog issue on it's own.
2016. Raise a glass to those of the ilk of Bobby Moore, Bobby Charlton, Nobby Stiles and Martin Peters et al. Happy 50th anniversary boys. The last team to give this country any pride in the National Team representing the National Sport of the "Country that gave football to the world".
A sad state of affairs.
These guys, the full squad and the Under 21s are supposed to be playing, or so we are told, in the "best league in the world" i.e. the Premiership. They certainly get enough money to believe that is where they are playing anyway. Does that make them the best players we have in this country? Logic would tell us so. Why then, when they come up against the best players from other countries on the international stage can they not compete? Why can they not win something?
Every now and then we are told that "This is the golden generation" and that this is it, we have a world-beating team. What happens? Instead of having a world-beating team we have a team that is beaten by the world.
It is an awful long time since some of us had the privilege of watching the World Cup in 1966, an awful long time. 45 years to be exact. How many of you do not believe that in 5 years time we will be seeing the 50th anniversary of the last time the England football team actually won something? Not many would be my guess. There is a whole generation that has never seen success on the international stage. How can that be?
I don't know what is wrong with our football, or maybe our footballers, that creates this failure time and time again. I know one thing for sure though and that is there really must be something wrong with it.
It really is about time that the Football Association looked seriously at this issue and did something about it. Ah, but then we look at the F.A. .............. well that is a whole blog issue on it's own.
2016. Raise a glass to those of the ilk of Bobby Moore, Bobby Charlton, Nobby Stiles and Martin Peters et al. Happy 50th anniversary boys. The last team to give this country any pride in the National Team representing the National Sport of the "Country that gave football to the world".
A sad state of affairs.
Thursday, 16 June 2011
Drought - Not Here!
Given the fact that we are now officially in a drought area, although as usual as soon as they call this it starts to rain, I thought I would post this up to remind us all of what we are missing.
This blog is now a drought free zone!!
This blog is now a drought free zone!!
Glugging, sloshing ever changing,
Galloping, trickling, quick or slow,
Dark and deep, shiney, shallow.
Cooling, pooling, hot or cold,
Dangerous, drowning,
Panning gold.
Rushing, gushing,
On the Move,
Filling crack, overflowing groove.
Wearing, washing,
Powerful surge,
Hot day, swimming, got the urge.
Flooding outwards,
Damn, not free,
Hydro power, electricity.
Soothes like salve,
Cuts like a knife,
Water, water, giver of life.
Perhaps a little arty-farty for me that one, but one of my personal favourites.
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
A Useless Product - Been Taken In Yet?
There is an old saying that you can only sell something if there is a need for it. If there isn't a need for it then you need to create a need. This is where the advertising industry comes in. Now there has been some clever advertising in the past that have convinced the world that they need a product and so off we go, like lemmings leaping over a cliff, to buy it. Whatever it is.
Now, in my opinion, the advertising world has surpassed itself. They have come up with a product that virtually nobody in the western world needs but it has become a best-seller. What is that product?
48 hour deoderant or even worse 72 hour deoderant. So we spray ourselves with this wonderful product and it is going to last us for 2 or evern 3 days. Wonderful right? Wrong.
Let me ask you. How many of you don't shower or bath every day? If so, why do you put something on that will last you 2 or 3 days only to wash it off in 1?
Great bit of need creation eh? As I asked. Been taken in yet?
Now, in my opinion, the advertising world has surpassed itself. They have come up with a product that virtually nobody in the western world needs but it has become a best-seller. What is that product?
48 hour deoderant or even worse 72 hour deoderant. So we spray ourselves with this wonderful product and it is going to last us for 2 or evern 3 days. Wonderful right? Wrong.
Let me ask you. How many of you don't shower or bath every day? If so, why do you put something on that will last you 2 or 3 days only to wash it off in 1?
Great bit of need creation eh? As I asked. Been taken in yet?
Just a big thank you to all who have viewed my recent poetic posts. They have proven very popular. Be warned, there may be some more!!
I normally get plenty of views in the first few days after uploading a post but I am always very surprised to see posts still being viewed a couple of months after they have been published.
My most popular post by a long way has been "The Monty Python Football" post and that is followed by the "Hullness of Hull" article. I try to keep the blog as eclectic as possible and there couldn't be two more different posts proving the most popular.
Again, thanks to all those that view my bleatings. It is pleasing that there are so many of you.
I normally get plenty of views in the first few days after uploading a post but I am always very surprised to see posts still being viewed a couple of months after they have been published.
My most popular post by a long way has been "The Monty Python Football" post and that is followed by the "Hullness of Hull" article. I try to keep the blog as eclectic as possible and there couldn't be two more different posts proving the most popular.
Again, thanks to all those that view my bleatings. It is pleasing that there are so many of you.
Tuesday, 14 June 2011
Footballers Pay.
This is a poem I wrote a couple of years ago. Sadly, but not surprisingly, it is even more relevant and true now than it was then.
Footballers Pay
I dont understand it,
And I guess I never will,
How those that kick a football,
Are worth more than those that care for the ill.
I don't understand it,
I think they have a cheek,
To get more than a doctor gets each year,
In their pay cheques every week.
I don't understand it,
What about the teacher that inspires,
Ambulance crews that save our lives,
And the brigade that puts out fires.
I don't understand it,
It really is too much for me,
Footballers earn millions,
Whilst the Lifeboats do it for free.
I don't understand it,
They get millions just to sign,
What about the brave military,
That are serving on the line.
I don't understand it,
But it really makes me sad,
When footballers are worth millions,
The world it has gone mad.
Fire Brigade,
Footballers Pay,
Monday, 13 June 2011
Yellow Boxes.
I am really glad to see the yellow boxes back on the road at the junction of Scarborough Avenue and Roman Bank. They have been sorely missed after the re-surfacing work and have added to the traffic problems in the town. I just wish that, now that they are back, the drivers going south into town along Roman Bank would use them. Not a lot of good having them if they are ignored is it?
This is an imagined conversation between one of the drivers and his wife as they head towards town along that route.
Wife: "Ooh that's pretty"
Husband: "What is"
"The pretty pattern on the road"
"Doesn't look very pretty to me"
"Well I like it. What's it for?"
"I reckon it is put there for the SO Festival thing that is going on soon"
"Don't be daft"
"Yes it is I bet. Last year they painted the pavement and this year they are painting the roads. Culture like"
"Well I think it is bloody daft. It'll get worn away by the cars driving over it"
"Yes but it is pretty"
"Bloody waste of time. Councils always wasting bloody money!!"
Think on drivers. A little bit more consideration eh?
Sunday, 12 June 2011
Skegness For Your Holiday - Prose.
I penned this one some year ago. Hope you enjoy it.
The sun beats down, creates a glare,
People milling everywhere,
Summer is here in all it's glory,
This is the real Skegness story.
East Midlands, that is where we are,
Accessible by train, bus, coach and car,
Just bring your cash and your appetite,
Just for a day-trip or you can stay the night.
Agriculture it does surround,
This somewhat garish, seaside town,
The land is flat, except the wolds,
Where hills and glorious sights unfold.
But for us folk upon the coast,
To the tourist we raise a toast,
So keep putting that money away,
For your two weeks of holiday.
You see it really should be said,
That tourism is our daily bread,
Without it we would not survive,
Skegness would not stay alive.
Resist the sun of France and Spain,
Florida, it has more rain,
West Indies can't be reached by train,
So come to Skegness,
Use you brain.
Friday, 10 June 2011
The New Boy At School - No Longer!!
Well it has been just over a month since I was elected to both East Lindsey District Council and Skegness Town Council. How time flies! In a past blog I likened the experience as being "The New Boy At School", which I do believe it was. I have to report that is no longer the case.
I would describe the whole experience as very busy and exciting. Not that I am complaining as that is what I volunteered for. For the record these are the committees that I attend, as well as attending Full Councils.
East Lindsey District Council.
Skegness Town Council.
So as you can see there is plenty to do. I have been pleasantly surprised by the amount of help that I have received from both the officers of both councils, those that are employed by the council, and also from my fellow councillors who have far more experience than I.
As well as all of the committee work there is also the personal issues that come your way from the residents. I have already been involved in a couple of things and I still have a couple of irons in fires for issues that I am still awaiting outcomes for. If anybody reading this has any issues that they think I can help with, then please do not hesitate to contact me and I will do whatever I can to help.
So that is it. I am in and learning by the day. This is going to be my life for at least the next 4 years. Am I looking forward to it? You bet I am. Bring it on as they say. Plenty to be done. Lot's of positives to be gained for the town of Skegness and despite what you may hear from the knockers and those with negative outlooks, there is every opportunity for the gains to be obtained.
I would describe the whole experience as very busy and exciting. Not that I am complaining as that is what I volunteered for. For the record these are the committees that I attend, as well as attending Full Councils.
East Lindsey District Council.
- Scrutiny "A" Committee.
- Audit Committee.
- Planning Committee.
- Skegness Area Committee (Chairman).
Skegness Town Council.
- Direction and Strategy Committee.
- East Lindsey District Council/Skegness Town Council Liaison Committee.
- Gibraltar Point National Nature Reserve Joint Advisory Committee. (Skegness Town Council Representative)
So as you can see there is plenty to do. I have been pleasantly surprised by the amount of help that I have received from both the officers of both councils, those that are employed by the council, and also from my fellow councillors who have far more experience than I.
As well as all of the committee work there is also the personal issues that come your way from the residents. I have already been involved in a couple of things and I still have a couple of irons in fires for issues that I am still awaiting outcomes for. If anybody reading this has any issues that they think I can help with, then please do not hesitate to contact me and I will do whatever I can to help.
So that is it. I am in and learning by the day. This is going to be my life for at least the next 4 years. Am I looking forward to it? You bet I am. Bring it on as they say. Plenty to be done. Lot's of positives to be gained for the town of Skegness and despite what you may hear from the knockers and those with negative outlooks, there is every opportunity for the gains to be obtained.
Thursday, 9 June 2011
Cucumbers And Other Plant Ramblings.
Cucumbers have been very much in the news over the past week or two, having been falsely, it would appear, blamed for the deaths of many people in Germany. For the first time this year I am growing cucumbers in my front conservatory. I have to say they are fascinating plants. How sad is that? Answers on the back of a ten pound note to the author please!!
No honestly, they are fantastic plants. They are truly enthusiastic and powerful. If they were to be likened to a sportsman it would have to be a rugby player. Robust, strong and takes no prisoners.
I have two plants growing in the same large pot and they appear to be competing with one another to see who can reach the top of the 10 foot support canes first. They throw out tendrils that wrap themselves around the supports, almost as if they are pulling themselves upwards. The really clever thing is that they then strengthen their grip by turning the excess length of the tendril into a spring-like shape to reduce the length of it. Really fascinating as I say.
Another plant I find very interesting is the leek. This is a fantastic plant that is probably the most architecturally perfect vegetable that you can grow. When you look at the weedy little thing that you start of with it is amazing what it actually becomes as there is no hint in the beginning. Apart from looking so good they also taste wonderful. I always steam mine with cabbage for Sunday lunch.
A strange ramble this one and one that I am not sure where it came from. Still it is there and now in the world-wide domain. Not sure what it says about me and probably best if I actually don't know!!!
Sunday, 5 June 2011
What Can We Do About Cats?
Now, I have never been a cat lover. Some people are and some people aren't, all a matter of opinion. Cats have never really bothered me before but lately they are playing a bigger part in my life. Why you may ask? Well simply because over the last few months we seem to be having many visitations to our garden by them. They are digging in the soil and messing all over the place. This is definitely not nice. I have had to chase several off when they have been hunting the birds in the garden and so far have stopped them in their murderous intent. So what can I do about them?
As I say I am not a cat lover but I do not want to do them any harm, so how can I rid myself of this problem? I have tried some of the stuff that you buy in the shops to keep them away but it doesn't seem to work. I don't suppose that approaching the "owners" is going to do any good as there is not much they can do to stop them entering other peoples property and they have no control over them.
Any ideas anybody may have would be gratefully received. Starting to get towards the end of my tether!!!
As I say I am not a cat lover but I do not want to do them any harm, so how can I rid myself of this problem? I have tried some of the stuff that you buy in the shops to keep them away but it doesn't seem to work. I don't suppose that approaching the "owners" is going to do any good as there is not much they can do to stop them entering other peoples property and they have no control over them.
Any ideas anybody may have would be gratefully received. Starting to get towards the end of my tether!!!
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
Skegness - Two Great Accolades - Have You Heard?
I have always taken the stance that my home town of Skegness is a great place to live and a great place to visit for either a day or a longer holiday break. Despite the efforts of many doubters and knockers I still do.
As most of you will know there was recently an entry in the Lonely Planet that described Skegness as "Tacky". This got a huge response and front-page coverage in local newspapers. Why, I can't imagine. Let's face it this was the view of a single journalist that writes for this publication, one persons view.
Now we have two excellent accolades coming our way from the august bodies that are Visit England, the premier tourist organisation in the country, and the very well respected Marine Conservation Society, and we get a bit of inside page news in the local press and nothing much anywhere else. Why?
Visit England have appointed Skegness with its "Attract Brand" status which reflects the town as being one of the top English holiday destinations based on visitor numbers and consumer perceptions. That means hundreds of thousands visit us every year and guess what? They love it here. Not just one persons view but the view of the most important people, those that actually come and visit us.
The Marine Conversation Society has run a study that identifies the bathing water off our beaches as being "excellent" and has recommended Skegness beach in its Good Beach Guide. Tie this in with the "Blue Flag" status we achieved recently and we have one hell of a good attraction there and it is all free to the visitor!!!!
So come on people, let's be proud of our town and the facilities that it offers. Shout it from the rooftops. Skegness is a great place for a holiday and accolades such as these should be given as much; no in fact more publicity than the negative comments that we sometimes hear. That is what this town deserves as do those that live and work in it.
As most of you will know there was recently an entry in the Lonely Planet that described Skegness as "Tacky". This got a huge response and front-page coverage in local newspapers. Why, I can't imagine. Let's face it this was the view of a single journalist that writes for this publication, one persons view.
Now we have two excellent accolades coming our way from the august bodies that are Visit England, the premier tourist organisation in the country, and the very well respected Marine Conservation Society, and we get a bit of inside page news in the local press and nothing much anywhere else. Why?
Visit England have appointed Skegness with its "Attract Brand" status which reflects the town as being one of the top English holiday destinations based on visitor numbers and consumer perceptions. That means hundreds of thousands visit us every year and guess what? They love it here. Not just one persons view but the view of the most important people, those that actually come and visit us.
The Marine Conversation Society has run a study that identifies the bathing water off our beaches as being "excellent" and has recommended Skegness beach in its Good Beach Guide. Tie this in with the "Blue Flag" status we achieved recently and we have one hell of a good attraction there and it is all free to the visitor!!!!
So come on people, let's be proud of our town and the facilities that it offers. Shout it from the rooftops. Skegness is a great place for a holiday and accolades such as these should be given as much; no in fact more publicity than the negative comments that we sometimes hear. That is what this town deserves as do those that live and work in it.
Monday, 30 May 2011
This I Loved As A Kid!
Following on the food theme. I have recently rediscovered a delicacy from my youth that I hadn't eaten for 40 years or more until the other week. Now that I have started eating it again I can't believe that I had gone so long without it.
What is this delicacy? Lemon and Lime Marmalade!!!!
I can't get enough of it to be honest. I have always been partial to it's Orange cousin, has to be thick-cut I am afraid, but for some reason the old lemon and lime slipped out of the picture.
It would appear from recent reports that the consumption of marmalade is diminishing over the years. I cannot understand why that is as it has been a staple of the British breakfast table for years and years.
Toast and marmalade, especially the Lemon and Lime variety is the essence of good eating!!!
What is this delicacy? Lemon and Lime Marmalade!!!!
I can't get enough of it to be honest. I have always been partial to it's Orange cousin, has to be thick-cut I am afraid, but for some reason the old lemon and lime slipped out of the picture.
It would appear from recent reports that the consumption of marmalade is diminishing over the years. I cannot understand why that is as it has been a staple of the British breakfast table for years and years.
Toast and marmalade, especially the Lemon and Lime variety is the essence of good eating!!!
Sunday, 29 May 2011
That Was Awesome!!!
The Barcelona performance last night is what I am referring to. Watching the skilfull way that they played, set against the rather cumbersome performance of Manchester United, took me back to the late 60s and early 70s when that was what was expected of the Spanish and Italian sides. In the time before the Spain and Italy became cynical in their football, the one-touch, quick movement football that Barca provided last night was the hallmark of European football. I loved watching every minute of it.
Where does it leave football in this country though? Now I am not a Manchester United basher but it has to be said that they are the Premiership Champions and yet they were humbled last night. Could we see any of the other top 4 or 5 clubs in the Premiership doing any better on the evidence of last night?
Are Barca a one-off, or are we to expect that the top Spanish teams are going to match them? If so, we as a footballing nation are in trouble. Can we in this country climb up the hill and match them? It is a big hill to climb. Are we destined for a decade of being also-rans on the European stage? After the successes of the last few years it is a concerning prospect and one which I feel we may need to get used to.
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
Love It Or Hate It!!
Now you are supposed to either love this Marmite stuff or hate it. There is no in-between. Personally, I loathe it. Can't stand the stuff. Would ban it from my house if my wife would let me!! No chance there then.
Even my hatred of this stuff is surpassed by the country of Denmark. They have done what my good lady would not countenance and have actually banned the stuff from sale within their borders!! Very extreme but true. Apparently this horrible black stuff contravenes one of their food laws and they have given it the big elbow due to that.
Anyone care to see if any of ours have been contravened??????? One lives in hope.
Saturday, 21 May 2011
Historic Moment For Skegness.
I believe that the present time is an historic one for Skegness. We now have three Town Councillors who are all Chairmen of different local authorities at the same time. The three are Councillors Neil Cooper, Dick Edgington and Steve Kirk.
Now I may be wrong but I can find no other time in the history of the town that this has happened. Not only is this a great honour for the individuals involved but it is also a great honour for the town of Skegness and proves the calibre of our local politicians. All three have been elected to their posts by the councillors sitting on the relevant authorities, Lincolnshire County Council, East Lindsey District Council and Skegness Town Council.
Between the three of them they have provided in the region of 50 years, or more, of Public Service to our town and they should be congratulated on their appointments.
Skegness should be rightly proud!
Below are photographs of the three gentelmen with the roles they have been elected to fulfill.
Now I may be wrong but I can find no other time in the history of the town that this has happened. Not only is this a great honour for the individuals involved but it is also a great honour for the town of Skegness and proves the calibre of our local politicians. All three have been elected to their posts by the councillors sitting on the relevant authorities, Lincolnshire County Council, East Lindsey District Council and Skegness Town Council.
Between the three of them they have provided in the region of 50 years, or more, of Public Service to our town and they should be congratulated on their appointments.
Skegness should be rightly proud!
Below are photographs of the three gentelmen with the roles they have been elected to fulfill.
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Dick Edgington - Chairman East Lindsey District Council. |
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Neil Cooper - Chairman Lincolnshire County Council |
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Steve Kirk - Mayor of Skegness |
Thursday, 19 May 2011
£250,000 It Is Just Not True!
There is a story being put about and statements made that those councillors on Lincolnshire County Council are going to have their allowances increased by 22% at a cost of a quarter of a million pounds. This story is, quite simply, not true.
The facts are these. The Independent Remuneration Panel have recommended the rise of 22% which would have cost the tax payers of Lincolnshire £250,000. Because of this the ruling Conservative group prudently allocated this sum in the last budget in case it was agreed upon by the council that this rise should take place. Not to have done this could have led the council into financial difficulties if they had not made an allowance for the possible increase and it had come about.
As it turns out the ruling Conservative group have decided that, in the present economic climate, the rise was not something that was acceptable to them, nor to the tax payers of the county. They have therefore decided that allowances will be frozen for the next two years. A completely sensible decision. I believe that this will mean that allowances will not have been increased for 4 years by 2013 when the next county elections will be held. As far as I am aware all political groupings on the council are in agreement with this decision.
This decision, which will be ratified by the full council this week, means that the £250,000 will not now be allocated to councillors allowances and will therefore be available as "spare monies". I do not know how this money will now be allocated.
Readers may be interested to know that Lincolnshire County Councillors actually and traditionally receive smaller allowances than other councils in the East Midlands, so it could be said that they are good value for money.
So you see, this is really a non-story, with no basis in fact whatsoever.
The facts are these. The Independent Remuneration Panel have recommended the rise of 22% which would have cost the tax payers of Lincolnshire £250,000. Because of this the ruling Conservative group prudently allocated this sum in the last budget in case it was agreed upon by the council that this rise should take place. Not to have done this could have led the council into financial difficulties if they had not made an allowance for the possible increase and it had come about.
As it turns out the ruling Conservative group have decided that, in the present economic climate, the rise was not something that was acceptable to them, nor to the tax payers of the county. They have therefore decided that allowances will be frozen for the next two years. A completely sensible decision. I believe that this will mean that allowances will not have been increased for 4 years by 2013 when the next county elections will be held. As far as I am aware all political groupings on the council are in agreement with this decision.
This decision, which will be ratified by the full council this week, means that the £250,000 will not now be allocated to councillors allowances and will therefore be available as "spare monies". I do not know how this money will now be allocated.
Readers may be interested to know that Lincolnshire County Councillors actually and traditionally receive smaller allowances than other councils in the East Midlands, so it could be said that they are good value for money.
So you see, this is really a non-story, with no basis in fact whatsoever.
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
Mad, Sad Or Just Plain Crazy?
Well which one is it? It must be one or the other or I would not have done it would I? Is it something that a sane person would really do? Not being sure if I am sane when it comes to this, I cannot answer my own question can I? A hundred mile round trip every other week to add to the cost cannot be right can it?
Oops sorry. You obviously have no idea what I am talking about do you? That just goes to show the state that I am in about this. What am I talking about?
Simply put; I have just purchased a season ticket to watch Lincoln City next year at a cost of £300. Lincoln City!! That's right. The team that I have followed all over the country and been completely let down by. The team that I just could not believe could get themselves relegated but managed to do so. The team that has no budget, no players and, if the doom-mongers are to be believed no future.
£300 for a season of Blue Square Premier (non-league) football. So which is it. Mad, sad or just plain crazy?
Oops sorry. You obviously have no idea what I am talking about do you? That just goes to show the state that I am in about this. What am I talking about?
Simply put; I have just purchased a season ticket to watch Lincoln City next year at a cost of £300. Lincoln City!! That's right. The team that I have followed all over the country and been completely let down by. The team that I just could not believe could get themselves relegated but managed to do so. The team that has no budget, no players and, if the doom-mongers are to be believed no future.
£300 for a season of Blue Square Premier (non-league) football. So which is it. Mad, sad or just plain crazy?
Monday, 16 May 2011
The New Boy At School!
Do you remember? In you went, into the new school. Everybody is bigger than you. You have no idea where to go, no idea what to do. Everything is brand new and there is just so much to learn. What can you do and what can't you? What can you say and what can't you. Who are the ones that are going to put you in your place and steal your dinner money? What is this feeling of self-consciousness? You have never felt like that before. Is everybody really staring at you all the time?
Do you remember? For some of us that day was an awful long time ago and still if you think about it you can conjure up those old feelings.
Becoming a councillor has raised the same sort of feelings over the past couple of weeks. There is an awful lot to get used to, an awful lot to learn. First thing is sort the wheat from the chaff. Strip away the bumph and identify what is important and what is not.
Above all remember the old saying, "You have two ears and only one mouth so listen twice as much as you talk". That has never been my strong point but I am putting it into practice. Sit, listen and absorb. Plenty of time to have my say once I have an idea what I am talking about. How long will that outlook last? Your guess is as good as mine. I have already had a good couple of chats with officers and have been encouraged by the responses and offers of help on a couple of issues. Perhaps I am finding my feet more quickly than I realise!!!
Do you remember? For some of us that day was an awful long time ago and still if you think about it you can conjure up those old feelings.
Becoming a councillor has raised the same sort of feelings over the past couple of weeks. There is an awful lot to get used to, an awful lot to learn. First thing is sort the wheat from the chaff. Strip away the bumph and identify what is important and what is not.
Above all remember the old saying, "You have two ears and only one mouth so listen twice as much as you talk". That has never been my strong point but I am putting it into practice. Sit, listen and absorb. Plenty of time to have my say once I have an idea what I am talking about. How long will that outlook last? Your guess is as good as mine. I have already had a good couple of chats with officers and have been encouraged by the responses and offers of help on a couple of issues. Perhaps I am finding my feet more quickly than I realise!!!
Sunday, 8 May 2011
A Huge Thank You!
Now that the dust has settled and the results have sunk in, I would like to say a HUGE thank you to all of those people who cast their votes for me in either or both of the elections for East Lindsey District Council and Skegness Town Council. Your support is very much appreciated.
It is a great honour for me to stand as a councillor in my home town and I am looking forward to all of the hard work that is now going to come my way.
My contact details are:
Mobile - 07990 532743
Home - 01754 765425
Email - steveodare@hotmail.co.uk
Please do not hesitate to contact me if there are any issues that you have that I may be able to help you with.
Many thanks again.
It is a great honour for me to stand as a councillor in my home town and I am looking forward to all of the hard work that is now going to come my way.
My contact details are:
Mobile - 07990 532743
Home - 01754 765425
Email - steveodare@hotmail.co.uk
Please do not hesitate to contact me if there are any issues that you have that I may be able to help you with.
Many thanks again.
Saturday, 7 May 2011
The Highs And Lows Of Life
I think that I have rarely experienced so many soaring highs and diving lows in my life in such a short time as over the last 24 hours.
Firstly, I had a long-time ambition fulfilled by being elected to both East Lindsey District Council and also Skegness Town Council. The last few months of my life have been geared up to this election. I, like my party colleagues, have put so much work and effort into the campaign and the election itself that to be rewarded as we were was fantastic. Personally I was completely blown away by my election and also hugely pleased with the success that my colleagues have also enjoyed. To have been awake most of the time since early Thursday morning until now is a small price to pay, although I am paying it, believe me.
Then we get the low. Off I went to the home of Lincoln City, Sincil Bank, this afternoon, in the knowledge that my beloved Imps needed a win at home against Aldershot to ensure their survival as a Football League team. After not much huffing an puffing by a Lincoln side that only appeared to half-care about the plight they were in, a 3-0 home defeat ensued. Given that Barnet, our main relegation rivals, conjured up a 1-0 home win against Port Vale and thereby eased above us in the league, we have been condemned to a long and cold stay in Non-League football. A huge and despairing thing to happen to such a club with a history such as ours. So now I am as far down in the dumps as I was high in the clouds only 24 hours ago.
Life is nothing if not interesting and at least it is not predictable. Cest La Vie. Onwards and upwards. I will be working for the residents of Skegness whilst at the same time the hierarchy at Lincoln City Football Club are working to get my beloved team back into the football league.
I hope we both have a huge measure of success in our endeavours!!!!!!!
Firstly, I had a long-time ambition fulfilled by being elected to both East Lindsey District Council and also Skegness Town Council. The last few months of my life have been geared up to this election. I, like my party colleagues, have put so much work and effort into the campaign and the election itself that to be rewarded as we were was fantastic. Personally I was completely blown away by my election and also hugely pleased with the success that my colleagues have also enjoyed. To have been awake most of the time since early Thursday morning until now is a small price to pay, although I am paying it, believe me.
Then we get the low. Off I went to the home of Lincoln City, Sincil Bank, this afternoon, in the knowledge that my beloved Imps needed a win at home against Aldershot to ensure their survival as a Football League team. After not much huffing an puffing by a Lincoln side that only appeared to half-care about the plight they were in, a 3-0 home defeat ensued. Given that Barnet, our main relegation rivals, conjured up a 1-0 home win against Port Vale and thereby eased above us in the league, we have been condemned to a long and cold stay in Non-League football. A huge and despairing thing to happen to such a club with a history such as ours. So now I am as far down in the dumps as I was high in the clouds only 24 hours ago.
Life is nothing if not interesting and at least it is not predictable. Cest La Vie. Onwards and upwards. I will be working for the residents of Skegness whilst at the same time the hierarchy at Lincoln City Football Club are working to get my beloved team back into the football league.
I hope we both have a huge measure of success in our endeavours!!!!!!!
Monday, 2 May 2011
Skegness Pavillion - Renovation (Tower Gardens)
Excellent news that the Skegness Pavillion (Inn On The Park) is in line for a renovation and to be brought back into full use once again. The District Council has been speaking to people who have shown an interest in taking on the building but unless it is upgraded they will not be interested.
The Pavillion, which was built in 1879, has been vacant since the last tenants left in 2007 leaving the building requiring extensive repair.
My understanding is that there will need to be in the region of £200,000 of funding allocated to bring the building up to standard and that a plan is being put together and will be put forward to the council soon after it's formation following the local election this Thursday 5th May.
The present responsible Councillor, Portfolio holder Colin Davie, has stated that he wishes the Pavillion to be returned to full use, as do we all.
To see this wonderful old building back in productive use would be a fantastic fillip for the town.
The Pavillion, which was built in 1879, has been vacant since the last tenants left in 2007 leaving the building requiring extensive repair.
My understanding is that there will need to be in the region of £200,000 of funding allocated to bring the building up to standard and that a plan is being put together and will be put forward to the council soon after it's formation following the local election this Thursday 5th May.
The present responsible Councillor, Portfolio holder Colin Davie, has stated that he wishes the Pavillion to be returned to full use, as do we all.
To see this wonderful old building back in productive use would be a fantastic fillip for the town.
Thursday, 7 April 2011
£6.21 million - A Lot Of Road Repairs
Good news on road repairs and pot-holes. The government has given our lovely county of Lincolnshire an extra £6.21 million to help to repair our roads and the damage caused by a succession of extremely cold winters.
Those of us who travel the counties roads will already have seen the many stretches that have already been repaired or have seen the men in yellow doing the job and enjoyed the inevitable delays!!
From what I know the extra money is to be used to provide permanent repairs as opposed to pot-hole filling. Excellent news I think!
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