I am really glad to see the yellow boxes back on the road at the junction of Scarborough Avenue and Roman Bank. They have been sorely missed after the re-surfacing work and have added to the traffic problems in the town. I just wish that, now that they are back, the drivers going south into town along Roman Bank would use them. Not a lot of good having them if they are ignored is it?
This is an imagined conversation between one of the drivers and his wife as they head towards town along that route.
Wife: "Ooh that's pretty"
Husband: "What is"
"The pretty pattern on the road"
"Doesn't look very pretty to me"
"Well I like it. What's it for?"
"I reckon it is put there for the SO Festival thing that is going on soon"
"Don't be daft"
"Yes it is I bet. Last year they painted the pavement and this year they are painting the roads. Culture like"
"Well I think it is bloody daft. It'll get worn away by the cars driving over it"
"Yes but it is pretty"
"Bloody waste of time. Councils always wasting bloody money!!"
Think on drivers. A little bit more consideration eh?
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