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Thursday 9 June 2011

Cucumbers And Other Plant Ramblings.

Cucumbers have been very much in the news over the past week or two, having been falsely, it would appear, blamed for the deaths of many people in Germany. For the first time this year I am growing cucumbers in my front conservatory. I have to say they are fascinating plants. How sad is that? Answers on the back of a ten pound note to the author please!!

No honestly, they are fantastic plants. They are truly enthusiastic and powerful. If they were to be likened to a sportsman it would have to be a rugby player. Robust, strong and takes no prisoners.

I have two plants growing in the same large pot and they appear to be competing with one another to see who can reach the top of the 10 foot support canes first. They throw out tendrils that wrap themselves around the supports, almost as if they are pulling themselves upwards. The really clever thing is that they then strengthen their grip by turning the excess length of the tendril into a spring-like shape to reduce the length of it. Really fascinating as I say.

Another plant I find very interesting is the leek. This is a fantastic plant that is probably the most architecturally perfect vegetable that you can grow. When you look at the weedy little thing that you start of with it is amazing what it actually becomes as there is no hint in the beginning. Apart from looking so good they also taste wonderful. I always steam mine with cabbage for Sunday lunch.

A strange ramble this one and one that I am not sure where it came from. Still it is there and now in the world-wide domain. Not sure what it says about me and probably best if I actually don't know!!!

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