The floods we have been seeing in large parts of the country are awful. Nobody can deny that. Those experiencing them deserve our sympathy and our help but what can be done to ensure that it doesn't happen again? In my view there is not a lot that can be done.
The water has to go somewhere. There are millions of cubic feet of water now on the ground that could not have been stopped from falling from the skies. That is an absolute fact. Flooding will never be stopped unless control of nature can be had. That is never going to happen. The only thing that we can actually do is to allow the water to flow as it always has onto the flood plains that have been created over millenia by previous floods waers. That is going to be very difficult in some cases as a lot of the flood plains have been built on.
Hundreds of years ago, in some cases thousands of years ago, towns and cities were built on the banks of rivers for good reasons. Firstly, the need to provide water and secondly because the rivers were the motorways of the day allowing easy transportation of people and goods. Those towns and cities have now expanded and are infringing on the floodplains. So should we be surprised that some of our dwellings are subject to flooding? I think not.
I have heard and read an awful lot of comment regarding this issue. One of the main topics appears to be that we are not dredging enough rivers. My view is that the dredging of rivers is really small beer in the scheme of things. Why do I say that? Simply because we are talking about an excess of millions of cubic feet of excess water. Dredging rivers would only allow a small percentage of that excess to remain in the watercourses whilst at the same time allowing the water to move downstream at a much higher rate than it would on a river that has not been dredged. It would carry the water downstream towards our urban areas more quickly and would still require to overspill the banks of the rivers at the same places as now.
What we really need to do is to allow the excess water to drain into floodplains as soon as possible and for those floodplains to be in rural localities. This brings us onto farmland. I hear the cry that if the farmland floods then where are the crops going to come from? This is a bit of a red-herring in the scheme of things for two reasons. Flooding does not necessarily wipe out crops simply because of the reasonably short nature of the flooding events and because of the time of year when floods normally occur, namely the winter months. Secondly, there normally is a surplus of crops worldwide which would allow any shortfall in yield in this country to effectively be made up. Yes that may make foodstuffs more expensive in the short term but we cannot have everything. Rural flooding is the way to go. It is far less damaging and dangerous than allowing built up areas to flood. That is something that needs to be considered and put into place. We need to accept, as I have said previously in this article that the millions of cubic feet of water needs to go somewhere. Fields and open countryside are the best options.
Now let's look at funding of flood defences. I keep seeing and hearing the call for the monies needed to reduce the flooding problem, because we are never going to be able to eliminate it, to come from the overseas aid budget. Why? I have heard the statement that we spend more on flooding overseas than we do in this country. Basically, that is correct but we need to put that into perspective. In other parts of the world, mostly in Asia, flooding is a catastrophe. Unlike in this country where flooding is very rarely the cause of people dying, in other parts of the world flooding takes thousands or lives and causes the loss of tens of thousands of dwellings, dwellings that are not only inundated by water but which are completely destroyed and washed away. Should we be ignoring that? Our overseas aid budget amounts to something like 15 to 17 billion pounds which sounds a huge amount of money but it is only 0.7% of our Gross Domestic Product i.e. the money that is generated in this country annually. Surely if we need to increase our spending on domestic flooding then it will be far easier and more morally correct to find that extra from the £1,500 billion that is allocated to being spent within our shores than the 15/17 billion sent abroad? I think so anyway.
So in summary. Nature sends the water down onto the earth and has done for thousands of years. Nature has found a way for that water to be accommodated on the floodplains of this country. Work with nature to reduce the effects of this flooding in the present day by using those floodplains that are not heavily populated to preserve those that are. Find the money to do what is necessary from the huge amount of money spent within our own borders; there are definitely contingency funds available.
We need to accept flooding as a part of the natural cycle of life and work with the causes of the problem and the natural solutions.
Please note. This article is only addressing my views on fluvial flooding i.e. that flooding from rivers and rainwater standing on the ground. There is also the concern regarding coastal flooding but that brings a whole different raft of problems and solutions.
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Thursday, 31 December 2015
Thursday, 17 December 2015
Superb New Lidl Store In Skegness Now Open
The long awaited opening of the new Lidl Store took place this morning 17th December 2015.
The new store looks absolutely fantastic. It is the second store in the country to be opened under the "store for the future" banner and it has not disappointed. It is bright, open, spacious and very modern.
By the look of the crowds that have flocked to it today it is going to be a roaring success and I am sure that the free bacon baps being doled out were not all that the customers were there for. Doubt that will be a regular feature of the store! There were long queues getting into the car park at 11.30 am and the store itself was extremely busy. The tills seemed to be coping very well with the amount of customers.
My only slight concern is the reduced number of car parking spaces being provided in relation to those available previously. Hopefully they have done their calculations correctly and there will be a sufficient number on a normal day!
All in all I think this will be the expected boon to the shoppers of Skegness and the surrounding area.
The new store looks absolutely fantastic. It is the second store in the country to be opened under the "store for the future" banner and it has not disappointed. It is bright, open, spacious and very modern.
By the look of the crowds that have flocked to it today it is going to be a roaring success and I am sure that the free bacon baps being doled out were not all that the customers were there for. Doubt that will be a regular feature of the store! There were long queues getting into the car park at 11.30 am and the store itself was extremely busy. The tills seemed to be coping very well with the amount of customers.
My only slight concern is the reduced number of car parking spaces being provided in relation to those available previously. Hopefully they have done their calculations correctly and there will be a sufficient number on a normal day!
All in all I think this will be the expected boon to the shoppers of Skegness and the surrounding area.
Wednesday, 16 December 2015
Lincolnshire Roads - Dangerous? Maybe not?
I remember reading this piece some months ago.
Lincolnshire has the most dangerous roads in Britain. I thought, looking at some of the accident statistics that must be about right. I was involved in several discussions regarding changing road layouts etc. to make the road safer.
Now this bit of news has come out!
Lincolnshire is the worst in the country for drink driving in those involved in an accident.
So be a bit of a simple fellah I put 2 and 2 together. Have you?
The next person that says to me that the police should not run campaigns against drinking and driving and targeting those that do and should concentrate on catching criminals may get short shrift!
As the old advert says:
Lincolnshire has the most dangerous roads in Britain. I thought, looking at some of the accident statistics that must be about right. I was involved in several discussions regarding changing road layouts etc. to make the road safer.
Now this bit of news has come out!
Lincolnshire is the worst in the country for drink driving in those involved in an accident.
So be a bit of a simple fellah I put 2 and 2 together. Have you?
The next person that says to me that the police should not run campaigns against drinking and driving and targeting those that do and should concentrate on catching criminals may get short shrift!
As the old advert says:
Friday, 11 December 2015
3 Up 3 Down From The Football League?
There has been much talk about the present situation regarding relegation from the fourth tier of the footballing pyramid, The Football League Division 2 and promotion into The Football League from the 5th tier of English football The Vanarama National League.
At the moment only two teams are relegated from League Division Two allowing two teams to be promoted from The National League. This does not compare favourably with the promotion and relegation numbers above this level:
At the moment only two teams are relegated from League Division Two allowing two teams to be promoted from The National League. This does not compare favourably with the promotion and relegation numbers above this level:
- 3 teams relegated from The Premier League.
- 3 teams promoted from The Championship and 3 relegated.
- 3 teams promoted from League Division 1 with 4 relegated.
- 4 teams promoted from League Division 2 with 2 relegated.
The feeling is that this is an unfair situation and that there is a case for 3 teams to be relegated from Division 2 and 3 teams promoted from The National League. This may well be true but who is making the case for a change? Is the feeling of unfairness enough? How strong is the feeling among The National League clubs that there needs to be change? Has there been any sort of concerted effort from The National League itself, it's member clubs or the fans of those clubs to try and achieve a change? Has there been a case made along the lines of the closeness in standard between Division 2 and the National League? Is that actually the case? In my view, with very few exceptions, there are very few clubs that would be able to hold their own in the Football League. As far as I can see there has been no real effort to achieve change. So, it would appear, much talk but little action? Or is that unfair?
If there was to be real concerted action, what would be the chances of succeeding in achieving the change? I would suggest very little. There is no representation from The National League on the Football League and it is the clubs that make up the Football League that would make any decision. Why on earth would any club in the Football League want to make it more likely that they could be relegated out of the Football League? What case could be put to them that would make them want to vote in that way? It took many years, probably decades, to move away from the old "Seeking re-election" balloting system to automatic promotion and relegation for one team only. Nearly another two decades to move to a two up and two down system. So it is not looking good on that score.
In addition to the natural resistance to any change we should keep in mind that the "parachute payment" received by clubs falling through the trapdoor into "non-league football" has just been hugely increased by The Football League. Financially, those clubs would be big-hitters in the world of non-league football and we all know just how money talks in football!
So it would seem to me that The Football League clubs, far from being of a mind to make it more likely that any of them would be relegated, have tried to ensure that any club that is unfortunate enough to be relegated have a much better chance of gaining promotion back into the Football League! Does that look like a group that is willing to listen to change?
There may be much talk amongst the non-league clubs that the present system is unfair and needs changing but in my view there is a million miles to travel to change the system and there appears very little wish amongst the league clubs to see it changed.
Those clubs now languishing in the National League are just going to have to get on with it and any club with pretensions of achieving promotion need to do so quickly because as hard as it is now to make it to the promised land of League football it is only going to get harder!
Good luck all.
Petrol Price - Well Done The Supermarkets
Fantastic news that the price of petrol has finally fallen below £1.00p per litre. However, given the fall in the price of Brent Crude over recent times it has taken far too long to get to this level.
If the media is to be believed then the oil companies have been "having us over" for long enough. Don't let's get negative about this though as it really is great news.
As this level of the cost of fuel feeds through the economy it should help to ensure that the inflation rate stays at the very low rates of recent times and that means the mortgage rates we pay should stay at their present low levels. Great news.
Finally, a word of congratulations to the supermarkets. They are much maligned in some quarters but in the case of fuel costs they have led the market downward and without them we would not be seeing the low price we see today.
If the media is to be believed then the oil companies have been "having us over" for long enough. Don't let's get negative about this though as it really is great news.
As this level of the cost of fuel feeds through the economy it should help to ensure that the inflation rate stays at the very low rates of recent times and that means the mortgage rates we pay should stay at their present low levels. Great news.
Finally, a word of congratulations to the supermarkets. They are much maligned in some quarters but in the case of fuel costs they have led the market downward and without them we would not be seeing the low price we see today.
99.9 pence,
Fuel costs,
Fuel Price,
Tuesday, 8 December 2015
Don't Hand Terrorist Their Victories Schools!
I am really saddened to see schools cancelling trips to London because of the terrorist attacks in Paris. Just what are they teaching their children by doing so?
Do these schools not realise that there are tens of thousands of school children living in London every day and with millions of other people commuting on the underground, the buses, going to museums and living their lives as normal.
Every time a decision is made not to visit the terrorists gain another victory. Before anybody has a go at me and asks if my daughter should go, her school went on a visit to London last Monday!
Why make our children more afraid than they need to be?
Do these schools not realise that there are tens of thousands of school children living in London every day and with millions of other people commuting on the underground, the buses, going to museums and living their lives as normal.
Every time a decision is made not to visit the terrorists gain another victory. Before anybody has a go at me and asks if my daughter should go, her school went on a visit to London last Monday!
Why make our children more afraid than they need to be?
Friday, 4 December 2015
Skegness Lidl - Reopening Date Confirmed
I have contacted Lidl with a query as to when the new store in Skegness is to open. Their reply was 17th December 2015. This is slippage of a week from their original estimate of the 10th December but, given the close proximity to the latest opening date, I would expect no further delay.
Excellent news. From the statistics provided for this blog I know just how much interest there has been in the refurbishment of Lidl, Richmond Drive, Skegness. Like me, it would appear that many, many people have been missing shopping there.
Well it won't be long now folks!
Saturday, 21 November 2015
Football Supporters Are Really Quite Mad!
Now for those of you who are amongst the uninitiated out there I need to provide some information. As most will know I am a supporter of The Mighty Imps otherwise known as Lincoln City Football Club. Now, we have a lovely bloke playing up front for us by the name of Matt Rhead. Rheady, as he is known to his adoring legion of fans, is a big lad whose stamina far outshines his speed. As kind a description as I can provide.
He is a real pain in the arse irritant in the sides of opposing teams and also happens to be banging in the goals way beyond anyone's expectations. He battles, grapples, pushes and shoves with the best of them and receives exactly the same treatment from the opposing teams defenders. To put it mildly he is the fans favourite as the cries of "Rheady, Rheady" that ring out from the crowd will testify.
Recently, Lincoln City played Tranmere Rovers in a very important National League fixture, which Lincoln won 1-0. During the game, Rheady and the defenders were "at it" as normal when, after one particularly close and rugged coming together, Rheady emerged with a badly torn shirt. Now we are getting to the crux of this article and the title of it.
Rheady's shirt, the match worn, badly ripped shirt, has been put on Ebay to raise money for the Future Imps Fund, to provide finance for the youth system at Lincoln City. People are actually looking to buy it! Honest! After 15 bids, at the time of going to press, the shirt has reached £51. £51!! You can buy a brand new one from the club shop for under £40!
Not only does this show that Football Supporters Are Really Quite Mad, especially Lincoln City supporters, but just how much they love their club. Fantastic effort really!
If you wish to be a part of this madness then the shirt can be found on Ebay by following this link:
![]() |
The Man Himself! |
Recently, Lincoln City played Tranmere Rovers in a very important National League fixture, which Lincoln won 1-0. During the game, Rheady and the defenders were "at it" as normal when, after one particularly close and rugged coming together, Rheady emerged with a badly torn shirt. Now we are getting to the crux of this article and the title of it.
Rheady's shirt, the match worn, badly ripped shirt, has been put on Ebay to raise money for the Future Imps Fund, to provide finance for the youth system at Lincoln City. People are actually looking to buy it! Honest! After 15 bids, at the time of going to press, the shirt has reached £51. £51!! You can buy a brand new one from the club shop for under £40!
The Actual Shirt |
Not only does this show that Football Supporters Are Really Quite Mad, especially Lincoln City supporters, but just how much they love their club. Fantastic effort really!
If you wish to be a part of this madness then the shirt can be found on Ebay by following this link:
Friday, 20 November 2015
Leave Great Britain With No Security Protection?
Things go from bad to worse! Following Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn's weakness in defending this country of ours from both nuclear threats and terrorist gunmen on our streets, (please see my blog, we now have one of his biggest supports, Labour MP and Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell, backing a left-wing group Socialist Campaign for a Labour Victory who are calling for the disbanding of MI5 and the disarming of our Police Force.
MI5 is our domestic counter-intelligence and security agency which looks at the threats within our nation. It is very successful in doing that and has been instrumental in stopping many terrorist acts within our borders that would have resulted in deaths and mayhem. With Paris very much in mind should anybody be calling for MI5 to be disbanded? Should our Shadow Chancellor be supporting such a group?
Our armed police is made up of specialist firearms officers. They are intrinsic in providing security at obvious targets such as airports and are also our defence against anyone armed with a firearm be they terrorist or more ordinary criminals. Should we really be disarming them?
Both of the above are very important elements of our Security Services.
Now there has been denial from Mr McDonnell via his office that he backs these measures but that what he did sign up to "was the general statement of principles and not the list of the specific demands". He was, however, happy to pose with the "list of specific demands" which, it should be expected, he had read before he smiled for the camera! If not what is he doing at the top of the Labour Party and as a member of the Shadow Cabinet? In any case it shows just how far to the left he actually swings!
The pronouncements of both Corbyn and McDonnell show that there is a really dangerous group at the heart of and at the top of the modern Labour Party which, if we are not careful, would leave this country denuded of its ability to protect itself from the ever increasing threat of terrorism. It now beggars belief that the Labour Party membership actually voted for this cabal to lead their party! It can only be hoped that those Labour MPs of a more moderate and sensible outlook will fight against these weak and dangerous views and help to provide the security that this country really needs.
MI5 is our domestic counter-intelligence and security agency which looks at the threats within our nation. It is very successful in doing that and has been instrumental in stopping many terrorist acts within our borders that would have resulted in deaths and mayhem. With Paris very much in mind should anybody be calling for MI5 to be disbanded? Should our Shadow Chancellor be supporting such a group?
Our armed police is made up of specialist firearms officers. They are intrinsic in providing security at obvious targets such as airports and are also our defence against anyone armed with a firearm be they terrorist or more ordinary criminals. Should we really be disarming them?
Both of the above are very important elements of our Security Services.
Now there has been denial from Mr McDonnell via his office that he backs these measures but that what he did sign up to "was the general statement of principles and not the list of the specific demands". He was, however, happy to pose with the "list of specific demands" which, it should be expected, he had read before he smiled for the camera! If not what is he doing at the top of the Labour Party and as a member of the Shadow Cabinet? In any case it shows just how far to the left he actually swings!
The pronouncements of both Corbyn and McDonnell show that there is a really dangerous group at the heart of and at the top of the modern Labour Party which, if we are not careful, would leave this country denuded of its ability to protect itself from the ever increasing threat of terrorism. It now beggars belief that the Labour Party membership actually voted for this cabal to lead their party! It can only be hoped that those Labour MPs of a more moderate and sensible outlook will fight against these weak and dangerous views and help to provide the security that this country really needs.
Monday, 9 November 2015
Corbyn And Nuclear Weapons
Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn has stated that he would not use nuclear weapons in defence of this country. That is a statement that makes him totally unfit to ever become Prime Minister of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Some may feel that is a very strong statement to make about him but for me it is all about the roles and responsibilities that a person accepts in their life and which they are willing to discharge. Let me explain.
Take the humble Private soldier. Now if a Private soldier joined the Army and then made the statement "I know that it is my job to defend my country and that is what I have signed up to do, but I will not fight to do it. I will not shoot an enemy nor will I put myself in danger. I know that is the role and the responsibility that I have volunteered for but I won't do it". Is this person any use as a soldier? Is he fulfilling the responsibilities that he has signed up for? Is he actually defending his country?
What about the Army Officer who has the lives of his soldiers in his hands? When the going gets tough and hard decisions have to be made he made the following statement "I know that it is my job to fight this battle to the best of my ability and that means I have to make decisions that could get some of my soldiers killed. I am not going to do that. In any given situation that is going to put my men in danger, I will not make the decision to put them in that position. It know that is the role and responsibility that I have accepted but I won't do it".
Is this person any use as a soldier? Is he fulfilling the responsibilities that he has signed up for? Is he actually defending his country?
So now let us take the Prime Minister. When the need to exercise the roles and responsibilities in relation to defending this country, would a Prime Minister that is not prepared to do that be defending this country? If he is not prepared to go to the extremes of the responsibilities and take the hard decisions is he defending this country? If the Prime Minister in power is not prepared to use nuclear weapons under any circumstances then what? This country lays down its arms and surrenders to a bully that is threatening the use of nuclear weapons against us? If that is the case then this country would have to rewrite the military strategy that is used to defend it, for without the nuclear option the rest is worthless.
Of course, we would all hope and pray that the nuclear option is never needed and would never have to be deployed but should we ever inform the world that this country possesses a nuclear arsenal but would not use it? Would that strengthen or weaken us in the event of a full-scale war? Would the very fact that we possess a nuclear arsenal act as a deterrent in the first place that would make a full-scale war a more remote possibility?
Considering all of this could Jeremy Corbyn, a man that has said he would not defend this country to the limits of his ability, ever be viewed as being acceptable as the Prime Minister of this country? Could the party which he leads, the Labour Party, ever be given the responsibility of forming a government? I don't think so.
Take the humble Private soldier. Now if a Private soldier joined the Army and then made the statement "I know that it is my job to defend my country and that is what I have signed up to do, but I will not fight to do it. I will not shoot an enemy nor will I put myself in danger. I know that is the role and the responsibility that I have volunteered for but I won't do it". Is this person any use as a soldier? Is he fulfilling the responsibilities that he has signed up for? Is he actually defending his country?
What about the Army Officer who has the lives of his soldiers in his hands? When the going gets tough and hard decisions have to be made he made the following statement "I know that it is my job to fight this battle to the best of my ability and that means I have to make decisions that could get some of my soldiers killed. I am not going to do that. In any given situation that is going to put my men in danger, I will not make the decision to put them in that position. It know that is the role and responsibility that I have accepted but I won't do it".
Is this person any use as a soldier? Is he fulfilling the responsibilities that he has signed up for? Is he actually defending his country?
So now let us take the Prime Minister. When the need to exercise the roles and responsibilities in relation to defending this country, would a Prime Minister that is not prepared to do that be defending this country? If he is not prepared to go to the extremes of the responsibilities and take the hard decisions is he defending this country? If the Prime Minister in power is not prepared to use nuclear weapons under any circumstances then what? This country lays down its arms and surrenders to a bully that is threatening the use of nuclear weapons against us? If that is the case then this country would have to rewrite the military strategy that is used to defend it, for without the nuclear option the rest is worthless.
Of course, we would all hope and pray that the nuclear option is never needed and would never have to be deployed but should we ever inform the world that this country possesses a nuclear arsenal but would not use it? Would that strengthen or weaken us in the event of a full-scale war? Would the very fact that we possess a nuclear arsenal act as a deterrent in the first place that would make a full-scale war a more remote possibility?
Considering all of this could Jeremy Corbyn, a man that has said he would not defend this country to the limits of his ability, ever be viewed as being acceptable as the Prime Minister of this country? Could the party which he leads, the Labour Party, ever be given the responsibility of forming a government? I don't think so.
Saturday, 31 October 2015
EU Referendum - Made Your Mind Up Yet - If So, Why & How?
I get all sorts of abuse locally for making the statement that I have not made my mind up yet as to which way I will vote in the upcoming EU Referendum. I think that it is too early to have done so as there is a lot of information out there that has not yet come to light and without it doing so then there is a huge danger of simply making an emotional decision rather than one based on facts.
There are some that look at the present problem of immigration as "the" factor in making their minds up. There are those that say that it is too expensive for this country to remain a member. Then again there are those who, somehow, bring overseas aid into the discussion, which I find completely random. I respect the opinions of others but that does not mean that, at the moment, I have to or even should agree with them.
My belief was further strengthened when I read the article below from The Financial Times. I find the content very concerning given that this island of ours relies heavily on foreign trade and foreign investment for its prosperity and jobs. This has not persuaded me to decide to vote to stay in but it does throw a different and, may I say, enlightening view on the wider issues.
Have a read it may widen understanding:
There are some that look at the present problem of immigration as "the" factor in making their minds up. There are those that say that it is too expensive for this country to remain a member. Then again there are those who, somehow, bring overseas aid into the discussion, which I find completely random. I respect the opinions of others but that does not mean that, at the moment, I have to or even should agree with them.
My belief was further strengthened when I read the article below from The Financial Times. I find the content very concerning given that this island of ours relies heavily on foreign trade and foreign investment for its prosperity and jobs. This has not persuaded me to decide to vote to stay in but it does throw a different and, may I say, enlightening view on the wider issues.
Have a read it may widen understanding:
Sunday, 25 October 2015
Must Be A Woolyback Word - But No! Sick Innit?
Went to Birkenhead yesterday to watch the mighty Lincoln City Football Club against Tranmere Rovers. Excellent day out and not a bad result Nil - Nil against them in the FA Cup. Replay on Tuesday at Sincil Bank. However I digress.
Stuck on the wall of the stand was this sign:
Now that was a word I have never seen before. Vomitory. Thought it really had to be a Woolyback word. For the reader not acquainted with the term Woolyback (or Wools), it is a word used by Scousers, those born within Liverpool, for those that sound like Scousers and sometimes calling themselves Scousers who are actually from one of the towns surrounding Liverpool, such as Birkenhead. Still with me? Good oh.
So back to this word Vomitory. What does it actually mean? Is it to do with vomiting? Well yes and no from my investigations.
Apparently the term is derived from a Vomitoriom, which for some strange reason, is a Roman word for a passageway or alleyway which connects the outside to a row of seats. In the case of Tranmere Rovers, according to one of the stewards who should know, their vomitory or is that vomitori in the plural, are the stairwells leading down from the seating in the stands to the space underneath which houses the bar and the food outlets. Talkng of food and drinks, this leads me to another savoury tidbit, sorry about that, from my investigations. Apparently the vomitorium became a place where the ancient Romans went to vomit up the food they had already eaten to make way for some more. Delightful no? Does that mean they were all bulimic?
In the vernacular Sick innit mate?
Life, as they say, is a classroom every day.
I hope all of that was as educational for you as it was for me.
Valeat quantum valere potest.
Stuck on the wall of the stand was this sign:
Now that was a word I have never seen before. Vomitory. Thought it really had to be a Woolyback word. For the reader not acquainted with the term Woolyback (or Wools), it is a word used by Scousers, those born within Liverpool, for those that sound like Scousers and sometimes calling themselves Scousers who are actually from one of the towns surrounding Liverpool, such as Birkenhead. Still with me? Good oh.
So back to this word Vomitory. What does it actually mean? Is it to do with vomiting? Well yes and no from my investigations.
Apparently the term is derived from a Vomitoriom, which for some strange reason, is a Roman word for a passageway or alleyway which connects the outside to a row of seats. In the case of Tranmere Rovers, according to one of the stewards who should know, their vomitory or is that vomitori in the plural, are the stairwells leading down from the seating in the stands to the space underneath which houses the bar and the food outlets. Talkng of food and drinks, this leads me to another savoury tidbit, sorry about that, from my investigations. Apparently the vomitorium became a place where the ancient Romans went to vomit up the food they had already eaten to make way for some more. Delightful no? Does that mean they were all bulimic?
In the vernacular Sick innit mate?
Life, as they say, is a classroom every day.
I hope all of that was as educational for you as it was for me.
Valeat quantum valere potest.
Wednesday, 21 October 2015
The Coastal Highway - Really?
Heard today that there is a plan to rename or rather give a name to the road leading from Lincoln to Skegness, the infamous A158. It is planned to call it "The Coastal Highway". Really?
What does the term "coastal highway" conjure up in your mind?
Something like this perhaps?
That is what I would term a coastal highway, a highway that runs along the coast.
The A158 certainly does not meet my expectations of the name. It does not run along the coast and it most certainly is not a highway.
Apparently the county council has a plan that the signs will be installed near Newark to highlight the route to our coast with further signs appearing along the route. I would contend that it is easy enough to find that route without a name being given to it to highlight it.
What a let-down it would be for a first time visitor that had been led to believe that the A158 from Lincoln to Skegness was some kind of highway, some kind of quick route to the coast. What a disappointment! It is not going to draw people to our coast!
I love the idea of the A158 being turned into a highway that would allow for a swift journey along the 41 miles from our county city to Skegness but I know that is not going to happen. The A158 needs major investment to rid it of the bottle-necks that have been known about for decades, namely Horncastle and Wragby, which would make the trip to the coast quicker and much more pleasant. That would go some way to encouraging more people to come to our coast. A cheap option of a few signs giving it a name, a somewhat misleading name at that, is definitely not what is needed.
For further thoughts on the road infrastructure in this area please see
What does the term "coastal highway" conjure up in your mind?
Something like this perhaps?
That is what I would term a coastal highway, a highway that runs along the coast.
The A158 certainly does not meet my expectations of the name. It does not run along the coast and it most certainly is not a highway.
Apparently the county council has a plan that the signs will be installed near Newark to highlight the route to our coast with further signs appearing along the route. I would contend that it is easy enough to find that route without a name being given to it to highlight it.
What a let-down it would be for a first time visitor that had been led to believe that the A158 from Lincoln to Skegness was some kind of highway, some kind of quick route to the coast. What a disappointment! It is not going to draw people to our coast!
I love the idea of the A158 being turned into a highway that would allow for a swift journey along the 41 miles from our county city to Skegness but I know that is not going to happen. The A158 needs major investment to rid it of the bottle-necks that have been known about for decades, namely Horncastle and Wragby, which would make the trip to the coast quicker and much more pleasant. That would go some way to encouraging more people to come to our coast. A cheap option of a few signs giving it a name, a somewhat misleading name at that, is definitely not what is needed.
For further thoughts on the road infrastructure in this area please see
Thursday, 15 October 2015
A New Grammar School - Excellent News!
I am very, very pleased to hear that there is to be a new Grammar School in Sevenoaks, Kent. Well that is not wholly correct as it is technically an annex of The Weald Grammar School which is based in Tonbridge which is approximately 9 miles away from the new site. This will be the first Grammar School built in the last 50 years.
I feel it is a great pity that the only way this could happen was to make the new school an annexe of an existing one, when in fact there is no real reason why new Grammar Schools should not be built in their own right. The Labour government of 1965 told local authorities to start converting schools to a comprehensive system. Then in 1998 the Labour government passed legislation that outlawed the building of any new Grammar Schools but allowed existing Grammar Schools to expand if their is sufficient demand. In the case of Sevenoaks there was clearly sufficient demand for a Grammar School as there are already 1100 pupils travelling from Sevenoaks to nearby Grammar Schools requiring a round trip of 25 miles taking up to two hours. Despite this and despite the Labour inspired legislation as described the Labour Party, Lucy Powell, Shadow Education Secretary, described this expansion as "a hugely backward step". All a bit confusing from Labour I think!
Something I find hugely unfortunate is that the expansion of this school will only allow the girls of Sevenoaks to take up the 450 places available as the parent school is girls only, with boys only admitted to the 6th form!
I am very aware of all of the arguments pro and anti Grammar Schools but in my own personal opinion Grammar Schools are a good thing. I see nothing wrong in providing an education system that allows the more academically able students to be pushed to achieve all that they can.
That opinion then leads onto the subject of selectivity. The 11+ examinaton! There needs to be selectivity to ensure that the most academically able students are identified. Should this happen at the age of 11? Is that the right time? I think it probably is as that is the end of the Primary School years. I do think though, that more emphasis should be placed on the opportunity for students that did not pass the 11+ to take the 13+ and then gain entry to Grammar Schools. That would then "mop up" for want of a better term those students that have flourished later in their school career.
I am hugely in favour of there not being a "one-size fits all" education system. Grammar Schools, Technical Schools, Free Schools and Academies have all got a huge part to play in ensuring that our students get as good an education as possible and that education is delivered in a setting or system that matches the individual students needs.
A last thought. The one thing relating to this issue that I find utterly reprehensible is the notion that students that do not pass the 11+ examination are made to feel inadequate or failures. That should never be the case and if parents or educationalists are leading students to feel that way then it is those parents or educationalists that are at fault. All children should be made to feel that they can achieve no matter what type or system of Secondary Education they attend. I did not pass the 11+ and went to a Secondary School. That did not nor does not make me a failure either educationally or in life because I was given the opportunity to achieve. Perhaps that is the most important lesson to be learned?
I feel it is a great pity that the only way this could happen was to make the new school an annexe of an existing one, when in fact there is no real reason why new Grammar Schools should not be built in their own right. The Labour government of 1965 told local authorities to start converting schools to a comprehensive system. Then in 1998 the Labour government passed legislation that outlawed the building of any new Grammar Schools but allowed existing Grammar Schools to expand if their is sufficient demand. In the case of Sevenoaks there was clearly sufficient demand for a Grammar School as there are already 1100 pupils travelling from Sevenoaks to nearby Grammar Schools requiring a round trip of 25 miles taking up to two hours. Despite this and despite the Labour inspired legislation as described the Labour Party, Lucy Powell, Shadow Education Secretary, described this expansion as "a hugely backward step". All a bit confusing from Labour I think!
Something I find hugely unfortunate is that the expansion of this school will only allow the girls of Sevenoaks to take up the 450 places available as the parent school is girls only, with boys only admitted to the 6th form!
I am very aware of all of the arguments pro and anti Grammar Schools but in my own personal opinion Grammar Schools are a good thing. I see nothing wrong in providing an education system that allows the more academically able students to be pushed to achieve all that they can.
That opinion then leads onto the subject of selectivity. The 11+ examinaton! There needs to be selectivity to ensure that the most academically able students are identified. Should this happen at the age of 11? Is that the right time? I think it probably is as that is the end of the Primary School years. I do think though, that more emphasis should be placed on the opportunity for students that did not pass the 11+ to take the 13+ and then gain entry to Grammar Schools. That would then "mop up" for want of a better term those students that have flourished later in their school career.
I am hugely in favour of there not being a "one-size fits all" education system. Grammar Schools, Technical Schools, Free Schools and Academies have all got a huge part to play in ensuring that our students get as good an education as possible and that education is delivered in a setting or system that matches the individual students needs.
A last thought. The one thing relating to this issue that I find utterly reprehensible is the notion that students that do not pass the 11+ examination are made to feel inadequate or failures. That should never be the case and if parents or educationalists are leading students to feel that way then it is those parents or educationalists that are at fault. All children should be made to feel that they can achieve no matter what type or system of Secondary Education they attend. I did not pass the 11+ and went to a Secondary School. That did not nor does not make me a failure either educationally or in life because I was given the opportunity to achieve. Perhaps that is the most important lesson to be learned?
Sunday, 4 October 2015
East Lindsey Car Parking - Back To Unfairness
I am sure that a lot of you will have heard about or seen that a recommendation is to be made by a Scrutiny Committee to the District Council with regard to removing car parking charges in some car parks. On the face of it this appears to be all good news and something to be welcomed but it is a return to unfairness.
Let me explain.
Prior to the last major change to car parking there were 14 car parks within the district that were free to park in. The rest of the approximately 58 car parks were charged. To my knowledge, there was no real basis for the fact that these 14 car parks were free. This was just an historical anomaly.
None of these original free car parks were in Skegness and that point had long been a matter of discontent amongst the local population and the local councillors alike, both District and Town councillors. When the car parking charges were revised and all car parks were charged then there were still no free car parks in Skegness but at least all other communities were being treated in the same way. An element of fairness had been achieved, although there were still one or two anomalies.
This fairness issue was considered when, subsequently, the charging at some car parks was changed to allow for 2 hours of free car parking. Every community benefited from the changes as every community had a non-centrally located car park with 2 hours free parking. Fairness!
It is now proposed that car parking charges will be removed but unfortunately only in those 14 car parks that were once free to park in! Why? Why only those car parks? Why will only some of the communities within the District benefit from this? Why are some of the most deprived communities in the District not going to benefit from free parking whilst some of the most affluent are? Where is the fairness in that? Why will some town and village centres and the businesses in them benefit whilst other town centres won't? This is truly a retrograde recommendation.
I sincerely hope that the District Councillors that represent Skegness, of all parties, will oppose this recommendation unless the fairness issue is addressed and I hope they will be joined by their colleagues who represent other communities who will also be treated unfairly if this recommendation is accepted and then sanctioned by the Executive Committee. Time to stand up for your communities ladies and gentlemen!
Let me explain.
Prior to the last major change to car parking there were 14 car parks within the district that were free to park in. The rest of the approximately 58 car parks were charged. To my knowledge, there was no real basis for the fact that these 14 car parks were free. This was just an historical anomaly.
None of these original free car parks were in Skegness and that point had long been a matter of discontent amongst the local population and the local councillors alike, both District and Town councillors. When the car parking charges were revised and all car parks were charged then there were still no free car parks in Skegness but at least all other communities were being treated in the same way. An element of fairness had been achieved, although there were still one or two anomalies.
This fairness issue was considered when, subsequently, the charging at some car parks was changed to allow for 2 hours of free car parking. Every community benefited from the changes as every community had a non-centrally located car park with 2 hours free parking. Fairness!
It is now proposed that car parking charges will be removed but unfortunately only in those 14 car parks that were once free to park in! Why? Why only those car parks? Why will only some of the communities within the District benefit from this? Why are some of the most deprived communities in the District not going to benefit from free parking whilst some of the most affluent are? Where is the fairness in that? Why will some town and village centres and the businesses in them benefit whilst other town centres won't? This is truly a retrograde recommendation.
I sincerely hope that the District Councillors that represent Skegness, of all parties, will oppose this recommendation unless the fairness issue is addressed and I hope they will be joined by their colleagues who represent other communities who will also be treated unfairly if this recommendation is accepted and then sanctioned by the Executive Committee. Time to stand up for your communities ladies and gentlemen!
Wednesday, 30 September 2015
It's Lincolnshire Day
Happy Lincolnshire day to all Yeller-Bellies everywhere. Happy Lincolnshire Day to all who reside in this great county, no matter where you originate from.
If you miss a bit of proper Lincolnshire then have a listen to this:
Lincolnshire is a great county with a long and important history. A great place to live and work.
If you miss a bit of proper Lincolnshire then have a listen to this:
Lincolnshire is a great county with a long and important history. A great place to live and work.
Monday, 28 September 2015
Lincolnshire Digital Radio Goes Live
To update my post of a couple of days ago, digital radio for Lincolnshire becomes a reality on 1st October 2015 according to BBC Radio Lincolnshire. This is the date that they will begin broadcasting on the digital platform.
If you don't have a digital radio receiver then now is the time to go and invest in one. Exceptionally easy to use. Got DAB in your car? Give it a go you will be amazed at the quality.
Excellent news. Long awaited. Improved reception and coverage.
If you don't have a digital radio receiver then now is the time to go and invest in one. Exceptionally easy to use. Got DAB in your car? Give it a go you will be amazed at the quality.
Excellent news. Long awaited. Improved reception and coverage.
Sunday, 27 September 2015
Digital Radio For Lincolnshire Now Very Close
If you have a digital radio then our local stations will very soon be available for your listening pleasure on the DAB platform.
I picked up two different multiplexes yesterday which were titled Lincs FM and BBC Radio Lincolnshire. The signal was booming out here in Skegness.
The broadcasting on these channels is due to begin next month October 2015.
I would encourage any radio stations based in the County to contact MUXCO if they are interested in broadcasting in the digital realm. I have no idea what this entails but you can get information and contact details here:
Digital Radio for Lincolnshire has been a long time coming but it really looks as though we shall be able to benefit from it very shortly. Hooray says I.
This is a link to my previous blog on this subject:
I picked up two different multiplexes yesterday which were titled Lincs FM and BBC Radio Lincolnshire. The signal was booming out here in Skegness.
The broadcasting on these channels is due to begin next month October 2015.
I would encourage any radio stations based in the County to contact MUXCO if they are interested in broadcasting in the digital realm. I have no idea what this entails but you can get information and contact details here:
Digital Radio for Lincolnshire has been a long time coming but it really looks as though we shall be able to benefit from it very shortly. Hooray says I.
This is a link to my previous blog on this subject:
Friday, 25 September 2015
Twenty Thousand Thank Yous
Hugely pleased that my blog has now passed the 20,000 views mark. Very gratifying. Thank you one and all for your interest.
Labour Farming Shadow Minister - Treat Meat Eaters Like Smokers!
Labour's Shadow Farming Minister, Kerry McCarthy an ardent vegan, has announced that meat eaters should be treated like smokers.
It is expected that, if Labour win power at the next General Election the following policies will be put into place:
Further to this meat eating news it is also believed that if he becomes Prime Minister all shaving products will be treated in the same way under his own special Hirsute Agenda.
Welcome to the wacky world of Corbynista government.
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Expected NHS poster - Not all bad then! |
It is expected that, if Labour win power at the next General Election the following policies will be put into place:
- A Meat Tax will be put into place which will be revised each year in the budget.
- It will be illegal to serve meat to anyone under the age of 16 years.
- Meat will not be able to be consumed in any government buildings.
- Eating meat will be banned from the grounds of all NHS establishments.
- Meat will have to be consumed outside of all restaurants and pubs unless a special "meat-eating room" is provided in these establishments.
- Meat will have to be sold in plain packaging and carry a health warning "Meat can Kill".
- Those retailers selling meat will have to have the meat placed in a container so that the meat will not be visible to the public. This will obviously include butchers shops.
- The eating of meat in a car when children are present will be banned by law.
- The advertising of meat products will be banned.
- Special anti-meat eating programmes will be established free on the NHS and the government will fund research and development into the following: Meat Eating Patches, Meat Eating Chewing Gum, Electronic Meat and in addition all GP Surgeries will provide anti-meat eating clinics.
- Further measures will be announced as time goes by.
Further to this meat eating news it is also believed that if he becomes Prime Minister all shaving products will be treated in the same way under his own special Hirsute Agenda.
Welcome to the wacky world of Corbynista government.
Kerry McCarthy,
Meat Eating,
Wednesday, 23 September 2015
2015 An Excellent Season
Now that we are nearly into October it is a good time to look back over the last few months and see how it has gone.Well. From all the reports in the local press and from conversations I have had it would appear that 2015 has been an excellent season here in Skegness.
The hotels have been very busy and the local holiday businesses have reported having had good takings.
Great to see the new Skegness Aquarium up and running and from reports it would appear that they have made a good start. It is really good to see an attraction that is truly 12 months of the year on our seafront. I hope that there will be more of this excellent type of development in the future. Add this to the established attractions in the town and it is easy to see why the resort remains so popular.
Talking about our seafront it is undergoing and has undergone a lot of changes over the last few years. Some would say it is for the better and some would say that it is not. Whatever your view the town cannot stand still or it will fall behind and the seasons will go into decline. The town and the businesses in it need to be creating more job opportunities for the local people. I know that in years gone by there were lots of open green spaces and few neon lights etc., but, as has been said many times in different quarters, the town needs to develop to keep attracting the business. You cannot have development and change and expect everything to stay the same. It doesn't work that way.
As a town and a local population, we need to be welcoming to new businesses that wish to come to us. It is external investment that is needed as well as local business expansion, such as the very welcome Aquarium.
A good season then and lets look forward to the next one, not forgetting of course the out of season offerings between now and then. That is for next time!
The hotels have been very busy and the local holiday businesses have reported having had good takings.
Great to see the new Skegness Aquarium up and running and from reports it would appear that they have made a good start. It is really good to see an attraction that is truly 12 months of the year on our seafront. I hope that there will be more of this excellent type of development in the future. Add this to the established attractions in the town and it is easy to see why the resort remains so popular.
Talking about our seafront it is undergoing and has undergone a lot of changes over the last few years. Some would say it is for the better and some would say that it is not. Whatever your view the town cannot stand still or it will fall behind and the seasons will go into decline. The town and the businesses in it need to be creating more job opportunities for the local people. I know that in years gone by there were lots of open green spaces and few neon lights etc., but, as has been said many times in different quarters, the town needs to develop to keep attracting the business. You cannot have development and change and expect everything to stay the same. It doesn't work that way.
As a town and a local population, we need to be welcoming to new businesses that wish to come to us. It is external investment that is needed as well as local business expansion, such as the very welcome Aquarium.
A good season then and lets look forward to the next one, not forgetting of course the out of season offerings between now and then. That is for next time!
Saturday, 19 September 2015
Whining Grimsby MP Onn Gets Front Bench Position For Labour
It really is unbelievable. Melanie Onn the MP for Grimsby has been made Shadow Leader of The House of Commons. This is the woman who described the front-bench Shadow positions of Health and Defence amongst others as "tea-making" positions, whilst whinging about there not being any women in power in Corbyn's Cabinet.. That really shows the contempt she holds the NHS and the Armed Forces in!
Please see here for my original post on this:
The Leader of the House of Commons and the Shadow Leader are normally senior members of Parliament with the experience needed to be able to organise the business of the house i.e. the subjects that are allowed for debate and ensuring that the policies and bills etc. that need to be debated and voted on are on the agendas. As can be seen the roles are very important.
In the case of Miss Onn,she has been an MP since May 2015. She has held no positions of authority or responsibility in the Commons. She has no experience of parliament or the way it runs and should be run!
Compare this with the Leader of the House Chris Grayling, an MP since 2001 who has been Shadow Secretary of Sate for Transport, Shadow Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and Shadow Home Secretary. Since 2010 he has served as Minister of State for Employment, Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice before becoming Leader of the House.
So why do we think that Miss Onn has been given this, presumably in her eyes, non "tea-making" position? The only answer I can come up with is that she has a big gob and her big gob has frightened the the totally inept Corbyn into giving her a job! If anybody can think of another reason please do tell!
What a way to run a party!
Please see here for my original post on this:
The Leader of the House of Commons and the Shadow Leader are normally senior members of Parliament with the experience needed to be able to organise the business of the house i.e. the subjects that are allowed for debate and ensuring that the policies and bills etc. that need to be debated and voted on are on the agendas. As can be seen the roles are very important.
In the case of Miss Onn,she has been an MP since May 2015. She has held no positions of authority or responsibility in the Commons. She has no experience of parliament or the way it runs and should be run!
Compare this with the Leader of the House Chris Grayling, an MP since 2001 who has been Shadow Secretary of Sate for Transport, Shadow Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and Shadow Home Secretary. Since 2010 he has served as Minister of State for Employment, Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice before becoming Leader of the House.
So why do we think that Miss Onn has been given this, presumably in her eyes, non "tea-making" position? The only answer I can come up with is that she has a big gob and her big gob has frightened the the totally inept Corbyn into giving her a job! If anybody can think of another reason please do tell!
What a way to run a party!
Thursday, 17 September 2015
The Only Way To Be!
I have thought long and hard about this.
I have looked at it from all angles.
I have dissected this.
I have analysed this until it feels dessicated.
I don't think I have missed anything, so I don't feel it is really worth going over this for the umpteenth time.
Yes I think I can say that I really do believe one thing:
Spontaneity is where it's at!
I have looked at it from all angles.
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I have dissected this.
I have analysed this until it feels dessicated.
I don't think I have missed anything, so I don't feel it is really worth going over this for the umpteenth time.
Yes I think I can say that I really do believe one thing:
Spontaneity is where it's at!
Monday, 14 September 2015
Labour MP Looks Down On Armed Forces and Health Services
Just heard the new female Labour MP for Grimsby, Melanie Onn, describe the jobs that the female members of Corbyns Shadow Cabinet have been given as "tea making" jobs. That will be Health and Defence amongst others then. I am sure all the doctors and nurses and the soldiers, sailors and airmen will be so pleased that she views them, the organisations they work in and the jobs they do so highly!
I served 23 years in the Army and worked in the NHS for 10 years. I am so glad she respects my efforts!
The positions that the female MPs have been appointed to are full Shadow Cabinet positions. "Tea making" jobs? I ask you?
Where do Labour get these idiots from?
I served 23 years in the Army and worked in the NHS for 10 years. I am so glad she respects my efforts!
The positions that the female MPs have been appointed to are full Shadow Cabinet positions. "Tea making" jobs? I ask you?
Where do Labour get these idiots from?
Sunday, 13 September 2015
Complete German Balls-Up
Germany have seriously misunderstood the rufugee/migrant crisis that the continent of Europe (not the EU) is facing. To encourage people to travel to Germany by stating they would take 800,000 refugees and then to close the border with Austria, which is the natural entry point into Germany, when as few as 13,000 to 18,000 arrive in Munich and there is no accommodation to give to them is such a poorly thought out policy that they have irreversibly worsened the whole situation. I have no idea what can be done to alleviate the problem that is being faced but encouraging people to head for a specific country only to then close the border to those you have encouraged is disgusting!
To my mind it shows the rational approach that has been taken by the government of the UK to not only identify the refugees that will be allowed to settle here but also to identify a number that can be handled within this country is completely the correct approach.
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Wilkommen in Deutschland! I think not! |
To my mind it shows the rational approach that has been taken by the government of the UK to not only identify the refugees that will be allowed to settle here but also to identify a number that can be handled within this country is completely the correct approach.
One In The Eye For The PC Brigade. Lingerie And Foxhunting!
This is all in a good cause! Enjoy. I wonder what the female solicitor would make of this?
Get yours now!
Feeling just a little bit naughty now. No tittering at the back of the class!
Get yours now!
Feeling just a little bit naughty now. No tittering at the back of the class!
A Real Word Of Warning - Socialism!
I cannot lay claim to the story below. I only wish I could. I have to say though that this is one of the best descriptions (if that is the right word) of what Socialism does to both the individual and the community.
It may seem simplistic to some but I do think it hits the nail squarely on the head.
As far as I am aware this story is from an anonymous author but if it is known who penned it I would gladly give them the credit they richly deserve.
So here goes:
An economics professor at a college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before, but had recently failed an entire class. The class had insisted that socialism worked and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer.
The professor then said, "OK, we will have an experiment in this class on your plan. All grades will be averaged and everyone will receive the same grade so no one will fail and no one will receive an A”.... (substitute grades for money - something closer to home and more readily understood by all).
After the first test, the grades were averaged and everyone got a B. The students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied little were happy. As the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride too so they studied little.
The second test average was a D! No one was happy.
When the 3rd test rolled around, the average was an F.
As the tests proceeded, the scores never increased as bickering, blame and name-calling all resulted in hard feelings and no one would study for the benefit of anyone else.
To their great surprise, ALL FAILED and the professor told them that socialism would also ultimately fail because when the reward is great, the effort to succeed is great, but when government takes all the reward away, no one will try or want to succeed. It could not be any simpler than that. These are possibly the 5 best sentences you'll ever read and all applicable to this experiment:
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, then the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for.
That is the beginning of the end of any nation.
So think on folks!
It may seem simplistic to some but I do think it hits the nail squarely on the head.
As far as I am aware this story is from an anonymous author but if it is known who penned it I would gladly give them the credit they richly deserve.
So here goes:
An economics professor at a college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before, but had recently failed an entire class. The class had insisted that socialism worked and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer.
The professor then said, "OK, we will have an experiment in this class on your plan. All grades will be averaged and everyone will receive the same grade so no one will fail and no one will receive an A”.... (substitute grades for money - something closer to home and more readily understood by all).
After the first test, the grades were averaged and everyone got a B. The students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied little were happy. As the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride too so they studied little.
The second test average was a D! No one was happy.
When the 3rd test rolled around, the average was an F.
As the tests proceeded, the scores never increased as bickering, blame and name-calling all resulted in hard feelings and no one would study for the benefit of anyone else.
To their great surprise, ALL FAILED and the professor told them that socialism would also ultimately fail because when the reward is great, the effort to succeed is great, but when government takes all the reward away, no one will try or want to succeed. It could not be any simpler than that. These are possibly the 5 best sentences you'll ever read and all applicable to this experiment:
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, then the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for.
That is the beginning of the end of any nation.
So think on folks!
Saturday, 12 September 2015
It's Tom and Jerry
You just couldn't make it up could you.
The Labour Party now in the hands of this pair:
Hard left it is then!
The Labour Party now in the hands of this pair:
Hard left it is then!
Wednesday, 9 September 2015
Dogs In Swimming Pools
Really. This is happening at Heckington in Lincolnshire. Providing a period of time when dog owners can go swimming in the pool with their dogs. Why?
A few questions come to my mind:
One question that tends to come up is whether chlorine is safe for dogs to ingest. Overall, the amount of chlorine in a pool is not likely to be harmful to dogs if they’re simply swimming. The main concern is that dogs will also ingest large amounts of pool water while they’re swimming. This can lead to salt poisoning or an electrolyte imbalance similar to drinking ocean water, and may cause vomiting or loose stools. To prevent this, keep plenty of fresh water available while your pets are swimming. The fresh water will be more appealing to the dogs than the pool water. Additionally, chlorine and other commonly used pool chemicals can irritate the eyes or skin of some dogs.
Given that. If I was still a dog owner I would not wish for my dog to go swimming in a swimming pool! I hope this rather silly idea does not take off in a big way!
A few questions come to my mind:
- Do they drain the water and refill the pool before admitting the general public again?
- What do they do if a dog goes to the toilet while in the pool?
- Main concern: Is it good for the dogs to be in a pool that is treated with chlorine.
One question that tends to come up is whether chlorine is safe for dogs to ingest. Overall, the amount of chlorine in a pool is not likely to be harmful to dogs if they’re simply swimming. The main concern is that dogs will also ingest large amounts of pool water while they’re swimming. This can lead to salt poisoning or an electrolyte imbalance similar to drinking ocean water, and may cause vomiting or loose stools. To prevent this, keep plenty of fresh water available while your pets are swimming. The fresh water will be more appealing to the dogs than the pool water. Additionally, chlorine and other commonly used pool chemicals can irritate the eyes or skin of some dogs.
Given that. If I was still a dog owner I would not wish for my dog to go swimming in a swimming pool! I hope this rather silly idea does not take off in a big way!
Saturday, 5 September 2015
Big Failure Regarding Refugee Situation
I expect there are many mistakes or failures that could be pointed out about the present refugee situation but there is one that to me is such a glaringly obvious failure that I am totally surprised that it has not been rectified or should I say it was not something that was put into place earlier.
That big failure? Germany making statements to the world media that it would take 800,000 refugees and/or asylum seekers this year but it has made no attempt to ensure that those people that fall within the category can actually get to Germany to register and take up the offer!
Where are the ships and the planes that should have been immediately despatched to the Mediterranean area to collect those wishing to go? They are not there. Germany, as well as every other country in Europe are more than aware of the problems that were already being caused by people crossing the Mediterranean Sea prior to the announcement by Chancellor Merkel. The announcement, in my view, has made matters worse which was something even a blind man should have been able to see but Germany was obviously oblivious to the outcome of the announcement.
Now that other European countries are also making announcements about their intentions to take in refugees there really needs to be a transport system put into place that allows for their humanitarian gestures to become reality.
To expect countries such as Greece, Italy and Hungary to be inundated with refugees and asylum seekers and then to organise their onward movement, something that will have to be done if the refugees and asylum seekers are going to make it to the destinations they are looking at, is ridiculous and needs sorting out yesterday!!!!
A pan-European emergency transport system for these people? Will it happen? I will leave it to you, the reader, to decide but without it there is going to be no improvement in the situation for either the people or the countries that are being hugely affected.
That big failure? Germany making statements to the world media that it would take 800,000 refugees and/or asylum seekers this year but it has made no attempt to ensure that those people that fall within the category can actually get to Germany to register and take up the offer!
Where are the ships and the planes that should have been immediately despatched to the Mediterranean area to collect those wishing to go? They are not there. Germany, as well as every other country in Europe are more than aware of the problems that were already being caused by people crossing the Mediterranean Sea prior to the announcement by Chancellor Merkel. The announcement, in my view, has made matters worse which was something even a blind man should have been able to see but Germany was obviously oblivious to the outcome of the announcement.
Now that other European countries are also making announcements about their intentions to take in refugees there really needs to be a transport system put into place that allows for their humanitarian gestures to become reality.
To expect countries such as Greece, Italy and Hungary to be inundated with refugees and asylum seekers and then to organise their onward movement, something that will have to be done if the refugees and asylum seekers are going to make it to the destinations they are looking at, is ridiculous and needs sorting out yesterday!!!!
A pan-European emergency transport system for these people? Will it happen? I will leave it to you, the reader, to decide but without it there is going to be no improvement in the situation for either the people or the countries that are being hugely affected.
Friday, 4 September 2015
BBC Funding
Much has been said recently, and indeed over the past years, about funding the BBC. The Licence Fee, should it have to be paid etc. etc.?
While all of that has been going on the BBC has actually been missing out on millions of pounds. How you may ask? I will tell you.
On nearly every chat show on the BBC and on every chat show on the radio, what is the most talked about item? I will tell you.
The most talked about item is some band or artiste or some author who has a new album or a new book or a new film or a new play or West End Musical about to be released or opening that they want to sell. They just parade themselves for free across the BBC getting publicity, reaching into our homes and being seen and heard by millions. The One Show is the biggest culprit by far in my view.
Why does the BBC not sell them the air time that allows them to tell us all about their wares? They could do that and make millions over the years couldn't they?
At least the ITV network is honest about its advertising and the people that use it actually contribute towards it!
I was actually going to make this article a bit jokey but the more I type the more I cannot understand why this happens. So this has turned into a bit of a rant.
Catch a grip BBC. You are being taken for a ride!
While all of that has been going on the BBC has actually been missing out on millions of pounds. How you may ask? I will tell you.
On nearly every chat show on the BBC and on every chat show on the radio, what is the most talked about item? I will tell you.
The most talked about item is some band or artiste or some author who has a new album or a new book or a new film or a new play or West End Musical about to be released or opening that they want to sell. They just parade themselves for free across the BBC getting publicity, reaching into our homes and being seen and heard by millions. The One Show is the biggest culprit by far in my view.
Why does the BBC not sell them the air time that allows them to tell us all about their wares? They could do that and make millions over the years couldn't they?
At least the ITV network is honest about its advertising and the people that use it actually contribute towards it!
I was actually going to make this article a bit jokey but the more I type the more I cannot understand why this happens. So this has turned into a bit of a rant.
Catch a grip BBC. You are being taken for a ride!
Wednesday, 2 September 2015
A52/A158 They Are Our Arteries - East Lindsey Coast
It is normal perhaps for coastal areas to have poor roads leading to them, unless of course they are close to a motorway network such as Blackpool but that is an exception. On this coast we do not have the benefits of motorways, or even for that matter dual-carriageways. We rely on the "A" roads to bring in the business. Are the "A" roads we rely on a help or a hindrance in that regard?
My view is that they are a hindrance.
Every summer, every busy weekend, every Bank Holiday and throughout the main holiday season this coast is let down by the two main roads leading to it.
For instance. Last Saturday I travelled up to Lincoln at about 1 o'clock in the afternoon. The traffic heading west, away from the coast was running smoothly but travelling in the opposite direction the traffic was horrendous. Slow moving traffic and stationary traffic for miles. The worst section was that section heading into Horncastle. The traffic was backed up and stationary all the way to the Caistor turn-off, several miles in length. The reports on the radio told me that Wragby was just as bad but as I turned off the A158 on the Bardney road I will have to take their word for it. Radio Lincolnshire were also reporting the "normal problems" on the A52 as well.
This issue has been known about for decades and very little has been done about it. A bypass was provided for Burgh-Le-Marsh some 8 years ago. Whilst roads have been improved in the west of the county, with a lot more to come, specifically to deal with bottlenecks and known problems, little has been done in our area. It is not good enough.
Sad to say that there is little that is going to be done in the foreseeable future as there is no mention of our area in the Lincolnshire 4th Local Transport Plan 2013/14 - 2022/23 a link to which I have attached at the bottom of this article. In brief the projects that will be/are being implemented over the next 10 years are:
When I have raised this issue previously I have been told that the problem we have is that our issues are seasonal and therefore not as high a priority as other areas! With that in mind it is difficult to see any hope for the improvements we desperately need is there?
It was also pointed out that we would be getting a Western Relief Road for Skegness which will link the A52 and the A158. This would relieve the congestion is Skegness Town Centre. Perhaps it would but at what cost? The A158 is already nose to tail for miles out of Skegness at busy times so pushing the traffic from the A52 to the A158 is only going to make things worse in that area! Indeed with Roman Bank (A52) heading north being an absolute nightmare already, it makes even less sense. Without a road running north from the A158 towards Ingoldmells and beyond, extending the relief road, there will be little if any improvement to the overall traffic congestion.
I think folks that we are the forgotten area when it comes to road infrastructure. A decent road from Boston to the coast and a decent road from Lincoln to the coast would open up the whole of East Lindsey as well as the coast. Decent roads would encourage more inward investment, creating businesses and jobs for this area.
In addition it would make the journey far more pleasant for the hundreds of thousands of people that come to the coast for a break. That would surely encourage more to come? Given that one of the priorities of the County Council is to double the worth of tourism to the county, then surely money spent on making the primary tourist area in the county more accessible should be viewed as a priority? I live in hope rather than expectation!
As I referred to in the title of this piece. The A52/A158 are our arteries. We all know what happens when arteries become blocked don't we?
My view is that they are a hindrance.
Every summer, every busy weekend, every Bank Holiday and throughout the main holiday season this coast is let down by the two main roads leading to it.
For instance. Last Saturday I travelled up to Lincoln at about 1 o'clock in the afternoon. The traffic heading west, away from the coast was running smoothly but travelling in the opposite direction the traffic was horrendous. Slow moving traffic and stationary traffic for miles. The worst section was that section heading into Horncastle. The traffic was backed up and stationary all the way to the Caistor turn-off, several miles in length. The reports on the radio told me that Wragby was just as bad but as I turned off the A158 on the Bardney road I will have to take their word for it. Radio Lincolnshire were also reporting the "normal problems" on the A52 as well.
This issue has been known about for decades and very little has been done about it. A bypass was provided for Burgh-Le-Marsh some 8 years ago. Whilst roads have been improved in the west of the county, with a lot more to come, specifically to deal with bottlenecks and known problems, little has been done in our area. It is not good enough.
Sad to say that there is little that is going to be done in the foreseeable future as there is no mention of our area in the Lincolnshire 4th Local Transport Plan 2013/14 - 2022/23 a link to which I have attached at the bottom of this article. In brief the projects that will be/are being implemented over the next 10 years are:
- Lincoln Eastern Bypass
- Grantham Southern Relief Road
- Spalding Western Relief Road
- Boston Transport Strategy
- Grantham Transport Strategy
- Lincoln Transport Strategy
- Gainsborough Transport Strategy.
When I have raised this issue previously I have been told that the problem we have is that our issues are seasonal and therefore not as high a priority as other areas! With that in mind it is difficult to see any hope for the improvements we desperately need is there?
It was also pointed out that we would be getting a Western Relief Road for Skegness which will link the A52 and the A158. This would relieve the congestion is Skegness Town Centre. Perhaps it would but at what cost? The A158 is already nose to tail for miles out of Skegness at busy times so pushing the traffic from the A52 to the A158 is only going to make things worse in that area! Indeed with Roman Bank (A52) heading north being an absolute nightmare already, it makes even less sense. Without a road running north from the A158 towards Ingoldmells and beyond, extending the relief road, there will be little if any improvement to the overall traffic congestion.
I think folks that we are the forgotten area when it comes to road infrastructure. A decent road from Boston to the coast and a decent road from Lincoln to the coast would open up the whole of East Lindsey as well as the coast. Decent roads would encourage more inward investment, creating businesses and jobs for this area.
In addition it would make the journey far more pleasant for the hundreds of thousands of people that come to the coast for a break. That would surely encourage more to come? Given that one of the priorities of the County Council is to double the worth of tourism to the county, then surely money spent on making the primary tourist area in the county more accessible should be viewed as a priority? I live in hope rather than expectation!
As I referred to in the title of this piece. The A52/A158 are our arteries. We all know what happens when arteries become blocked don't we?
East Lindsey,
Lincolnshire County Council,
Local Transport Plan,
Tuesday, 1 September 2015
Skegness Lidl Reopening Date
I have been amazed by the amount of interest that there has been in my article from earlier in the year entitled Skegness Lidl Closing For Refurbishment which has become the third most viewed article on my blog.
The article can be viewed here:
The interest prompted me to contact Lidl to enquire as to how the new store is coming along and when it will be reopening. The answer I have been given is that the store will reopen for business in the brand new and much enlarged store on 10th December this year. There was a caveat to this statement which was that this information is correct at the time of sending and could be subject to change.
I for one will be very pleased to see the store back in business. If I get any other information I will post it on here.
The article can be viewed here:
The interest prompted me to contact Lidl to enquire as to how the new store is coming along and when it will be reopening. The answer I have been given is that the store will reopen for business in the brand new and much enlarged store on 10th December this year. There was a caveat to this statement which was that this information is correct at the time of sending and could be subject to change.
I for one will be very pleased to see the store back in business. If I get any other information I will post it on here.
Friday, 28 August 2015
Martin Luther King - 52 Years Ago Today
"I Have A Dream". A simple statement that will be forever associated with Martin Luther King due to the speech he gave in 1963 at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington.
There is a widespread belief that this speech was one of the greatest ever and I support that notion.
As was written the next day in the New York Times,
"Doctor King touched all the themes of the day, only better than anyone else. He was full of the symbolism of Lincoln and Ghandi, and the cadences of the bible. He was both militant and sad, and he sent the crowd away feeling the long journey had been worthwhile."
The crowd was over a quarter of a million people, mostly black but with many enlightened white activists there too. Enlightened? Indeed. In America in the early 1960's to believe that all people were equal and to want to actually do something about it demanded enlightenment in the individual.
Most people believe that the speech was a major turning point in the emancipation of the black population of America and they would be correct. I would go further and say that his speech not only resonated with black people in America but with suppressed minorities throughout the world.
Unfortunately, despite the huge strides that have been made in equality, there is still a lot to be done to ensure that all are treated equally but as Dr King said,
"And when this happens, and when we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last! Free at last!"
In the world we live in there will never be perfect freedom or perfect equality but we should all work towards making it as perfect as it can get, not only for the minorities but for all who live on this planet.
There are many links to the speech on the internet both in text and audio forms. I would encourage you to go and have a read or a listen if you have never done so. It will be 5 minutes very well spent.
There is a widespread belief that this speech was one of the greatest ever and I support that notion.
As was written the next day in the New York Times,
"Doctor King touched all the themes of the day, only better than anyone else. He was full of the symbolism of Lincoln and Ghandi, and the cadences of the bible. He was both militant and sad, and he sent the crowd away feeling the long journey had been worthwhile."
The crowd was over a quarter of a million people, mostly black but with many enlightened white activists there too. Enlightened? Indeed. In America in the early 1960's to believe that all people were equal and to want to actually do something about it demanded enlightenment in the individual.
Most people believe that the speech was a major turning point in the emancipation of the black population of America and they would be correct. I would go further and say that his speech not only resonated with black people in America but with suppressed minorities throughout the world.
Unfortunately, despite the huge strides that have been made in equality, there is still a lot to be done to ensure that all are treated equally but as Dr King said,
"And when this happens, and when we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last! Free at last!"
In the world we live in there will never be perfect freedom or perfect equality but we should all work towards making it as perfect as it can get, not only for the minorities but for all who live on this planet.
There are many links to the speech on the internet both in text and audio forms. I would encourage you to go and have a read or a listen if you have never done so. It will be 5 minutes very well spent.
Thursday, 27 August 2015
Off The Booze
Been off the booze now for exactly a week. Sad to say I have found it very difficult to do. I suppose having had a drink, alcoholic, virtually every day for the last 40 years has a lot to do with that. Having said that I can't remember the last time that I was "boozed up" as that is not something that I do. I just like a drink with my dinner and a couple of beers. Wine is really my thing. There is no such thing as left-over wine in my house!
Strangely, I didn't set out to do this. It just sort of happened. One of the benefits is that I have lost half a stone in weight in the week but one of the worse things is when you get up in the morning you know that is the best you are going to feel all day!
As I say I didn't set out to not drink so I am not sure how long this will go on for. If I don't have a pint or two before the Lincoln City V Grimsby Town game on Saturday then I think I must have gone teetotal! Likely? Probably not.
We shall see. Toodle ooh!
Strangely, I didn't set out to do this. It just sort of happened. One of the benefits is that I have lost half a stone in weight in the week but one of the worse things is when you get up in the morning you know that is the best you are going to feel all day!
As I say I didn't set out to not drink so I am not sure how long this will go on for. If I don't have a pint or two before the Lincoln City V Grimsby Town game on Saturday then I think I must have gone teetotal! Likely? Probably not.
We shall see. Toodle ooh!
Wednesday, 26 August 2015
Women Only Transport!
I really don't know what goes on in some people's minds and I don't think I ever will. The latest hare-brained idea to make me shake my head in wonder is from the Labour Party leadership contender Jeremy Corbyn. He is suggesting "women only compartments" on public transport!
Why? God only knows! Just a day after one of his competitors for the leadership Andy Burnham makes a cock-up on the radio by telling everyone that it is not the time for a female leader of the party, Corbyn comes out with this twaddle. It makes me wonder whether he really believes this or whether he thinks this is a shrewd move to wrong-foot Burnham but whichever it is this is a dangerous suggestion.
What would follow it. Men walking on one side of the street and women the other? Separate tables in restaurants for men and women? Etc. etc. etc. In a world where women have fought for equality is this really the way that we want to go? Is this really something we should even contemplate?
I thought Women Only candidate shortlists, something only the Labour Party utilises and Harriet Harman's pink bus during the last election were a slap in the face for women but this takes the view of women held by the Labour Party a step further towards a dark side.
Read the full story via the link!
Why? God only knows! Just a day after one of his competitors for the leadership Andy Burnham makes a cock-up on the radio by telling everyone that it is not the time for a female leader of the party, Corbyn comes out with this twaddle. It makes me wonder whether he really believes this or whether he thinks this is a shrewd move to wrong-foot Burnham but whichever it is this is a dangerous suggestion.
What would follow it. Men walking on one side of the street and women the other? Separate tables in restaurants for men and women? Etc. etc. etc. In a world where women have fought for equality is this really the way that we want to go? Is this really something we should even contemplate?
I thought Women Only candidate shortlists, something only the Labour Party utilises and Harriet Harman's pink bus during the last election were a slap in the face for women but this takes the view of women held by the Labour Party a step further towards a dark side.
Read the full story via the link!
Tuesday, 25 August 2015
The Latest Financial Scandal
As most will know by now the Chinese economy is in a lot of trouble. The fall-out for individual investors could be pretty serious.
This has been put down to the heinous fortune cookie!
What is the betting that this becomes the next huge business after PPI! Get your money back because of the false promises and bad advice received with your number 28 with Fried Rice!
This has been put down to the heinous fortune cookie!
What is the betting that this becomes the next huge business after PPI! Get your money back because of the false promises and bad advice received with your number 28 with Fried Rice!
Amazing What The National Media Picks Up On!
I had a chat with William Wright about this story yesterday afternoon on his show on BBC Radio Lincolnshire. Was really not expecting this story to go national though!
What is it that makes something as mundane as this, in perspective terms of course, it was obviously not mundane for the family involved or the dog owner, go national?
I will never fathom out the national media!
What is it that makes something as mundane as this, in perspective terms of course, it was obviously not mundane for the family involved or the dog owner, go national?
I will never fathom out the national media!
Tuesday, 4 August 2015
DAB Radio For Lincolnshire?
Just been investigating this issue. Having bought a new car with DAB capability I was disappointed that in most of Lincolnshire you can only pick up the National DAB stations such as LCB, KISS, Classic FM etc. and then the BBC Radio 1,2,3,4 ,5 etc. Up towards the north of the county Humberside DAB appears to be accessible!
Looking at the website of Muxco which is the organisation that owns the licences it states that it is going to be starting to broadcast on DAB in September in Lincolnshire, initially with Lincs FM. BBC Radio Lincolnshire, and Compass FM involved. They state that they are looking for other radio stations to get involved and I have lobbed the information towards two local community radio stations, Lindsey Online and County Linx Radio to alert them to the opportunity. It would be great to see them get involved although I have no idea what the financial requirement is which is normally a big hurdle with any opportunity such as this.
More information here, but not a lot:
If you are into radio, as I am, perhaps you could keep this issue in mind and ensure you jump on any bandwagon going that will allow DAB in Lincolnshire to happen. As Henry at Lindsey Online says "It has been a long time coming!"
Looking at the website of Muxco which is the organisation that owns the licences it states that it is going to be starting to broadcast on DAB in September in Lincolnshire, initially with Lincs FM. BBC Radio Lincolnshire, and Compass FM involved. They state that they are looking for other radio stations to get involved and I have lobbed the information towards two local community radio stations, Lindsey Online and County Linx Radio to alert them to the opportunity. It would be great to see them get involved although I have no idea what the financial requirement is which is normally a big hurdle with any opportunity such as this.
More information here, but not a lot:
If you are into radio, as I am, perhaps you could keep this issue in mind and ensure you jump on any bandwagon going that will allow DAB in Lincolnshire to happen. As Henry at Lindsey Online says "It has been a long time coming!"
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