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Monday 9 November 2015

Corbyn And Nuclear Weapons

Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn has stated that he would not use nuclear weapons in defence of this country. That is a statement that makes him totally unfit to ever become Prime Minister of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Some may feel that is a very strong statement to make about him but for me it is all about the roles and responsibilities that a person accepts in their life and which they are willing to discharge. Let me explain.

Take the humble Private soldier. Now if a Private soldier joined the Army and then made the statement "I know that it is my job to defend my country and that is what I have signed up to do, but I will not fight to do it. I will not shoot an enemy nor will I put myself in danger. I know that is the role and the responsibility that I have volunteered for but I won't do it". Is this person any use as a soldier? Is he fulfilling the responsibilities that he has signed up for? Is he actually defending his country?

What about the Army Officer who has the lives of his soldiers in his hands? When the going gets tough and hard decisions have to be made he made the following statement "I know that it is my job to fight this battle to the best of my ability and that means I have to make decisions that could get some of my soldiers killed. I am not going to do that. In any given situation that is going to put my men in danger, I will not make the decision to put them in that position. It know that is the role and responsibility that I have accepted but I won't do it".
Is this person any use as a soldier? Is he fulfilling the responsibilities that he has signed up for? Is he actually defending his country?

So now let us take the Prime Minister. When the need to exercise the roles and responsibilities in relation to defending this country, would a Prime Minister that is not prepared to do that be defending this country? If he is not prepared to go to the extremes of the responsibilities and take the hard decisions is he defending this country? If the Prime Minister in power is not prepared to use nuclear weapons under any circumstances then what? This country lays down its arms and surrenders to a bully that is threatening the use of nuclear weapons against us? If that is the case then this country would have to rewrite the military strategy that is used to defend it, for without the nuclear option the rest is worthless.

Of course, we would all hope and pray that the nuclear option is never needed and would never have to be deployed but should we ever inform the world that this country possesses a nuclear arsenal but would not use it? Would that strengthen or weaken us in the event of a full-scale war? Would the very fact that we possess a nuclear arsenal act as a deterrent in the first place that would make a full-scale war a more remote possibility?

Considering all of this could Jeremy Corbyn, a man that has said he would not defend this country to the limits of his ability, ever be viewed as being acceptable as the Prime Minister of this country? Could the party which he leads, the Labour Party, ever be given the responsibility of forming a government? I don't think so.

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